Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 2, 1 February 1987 — Kamehameha Florai Parade Set June 6 [ARTICLE]

Kamehameha Florai Parade Set June 6

"Kulana Ha'aheo E Na Hawai'i (Stand T all and Proud All of Hawai'i) is the theme chosen by the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission for the 1 14th annual King Kamehameha Celebration June 5-27 in support of Ho'olako 1987 — The Year of the Hawaiian. Applications for participation in the 71st annual floral parade, whieh is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, are now available by calling the Commission at 548-4512 or by writing to 355 N. King St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Applications are available for pa'u riders, private mounted units floral floats and decorated vehicles and marching units. Additionally, entry forms are also available for pa'u marshal and queen, grand marshal and for someone to portray King Kamehameha. The deadline for pa'u riders was Jan. 15. Deadline for all other aspects of the parade is Apr. 1. The traditional decorating of King Kamehameha's statue whieh stands in front of Aliiolani Hale will be held on the iate afternoon of June 5 with hundreds of leis being strung by various organizations and individuals. A brief program and entertainment will again be held. The final Oahu event in honor of Kamehameha the Great is the 14th annual King Kamehameha Hula Competition whieh for the first time this year will be a twoday event June 26 and 27 at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center Arena. In addition to the traditional hula and chant, auwana or contemporary dance has been added. Competition is open to any and all dance groups. Rules and regulations for the competition may be obtained by calling the State Council on Hawaiian Heritage at 536-6540. Deadline to submit applications for this competition is Feb. 27.