Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 7, 1 July 1987 — Hawaii Paʻu Riders Keep Busy Schedule [ARTICLE]
Hawaii Paʻu Riders Keep Busy Schedule
An ambitious schedule of fundraising activities and appearances has been lined up by Hawaii Pa'u Riders whieh was founded in 1981 by John and Lita Cook of Waimanalo. Their first activity following the June 6 Kamehameha Floral Parade in whieh the group placed second is coming up on July 11-12 at the Ward Warehouse, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., where a Pa'u Riders Art Craft show will be on exhibit. There will be demonstrations and selling of Hawaii art crafts. There will be haku and wili leis, ti leaf leis, coconut and lauhala weaving and quilting. Lita Cook will be doing pa'u draping and pa'u horse lei demonstrations. Following this, 19 riders and seven ohana members are scheduled to leave for Seattle July 29 where they will ride in the Seattle Torchlight Seafare parade July 31. The male members of the club are scheduled to participate in a rodeo in Seattle and at Kalispell, Mont., Aug. 5. The group will also visit Canada and Idaho before returning to prepare for the Sept . 26 Aloha Week parade and its Oct. 3 fundraising spectacular concert at the Disabled American Veterans Hall (DAV) at Keehi Lagoon. Hawaii Pa'u Riders will also sell arts and crafts and food Sept. 18 during the downtown Honolulu Ho'olaule'a. There'll be club T-shirts and coconut and lauhala products for sale along with haku and wili leis. Hawaiian and country music will be featured at the club's Paniolo Day Family Sunday Nov. 1 at Bishop Museum. Hawaiian Telephone Company is the corporate sponsor for this monthly family outing when residents are admitted free. During the club's Canadian excursion, the entire group on Aug. 2 will be on a Victoria cruise aboard the Princess Margarethe. It is also on this day the Cooks will observe their 29th wedding anniversary. Club officers are Angel Phillips, president; Will Kaimikaua, vice president; Charlene Machado, corresponding secretary; Lynn Chun, recording secretary; and Brigitte Iseke, treasurer. The club's fundraising activities are geared for its fifth appearance next year in the Portland, Ore., Rose Festival parade.