Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 11, 1 November 1987 — Ainahau O Kaleponi HCC, Bowers Museum Stage Hoʻolako Programs [ARTICLE]

Ainahau O Kaleponi HCC, Bowers Museum Stage Hoʻolako Programs

Ainahau O Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club of Orange County, Calif. and the Bowers Museum of Santa Ana observed Ho'oiako 1987 with an all day celebration of the Hawaiian culture and the Year of the Hawaiian Oct. 24 in the Irvine Room and lecture hall. It was also billed as Ohana Day and included demonstrations of lei making, uses of ti leaf, kukui nut, coconut husk and lauhala crafts and Hawaiian quilt making. There was continuous entertainment by the club's chora! and music group and hula dancing, including kahiko and auana.

A Hawanan plate luneh of a mini laulau, poi, lomi salmon, ehieken long rice, haupia and other Hawaiian desserts and beverage were on sale. The luau leaves for the laulau were brought from Kauai by Earl and Aggie Apo, brother and sister-in-law of club members Nani and A1 Yee. Members prepared the laulaus the night before.

Another Ohana Day exhibit were significant Hawaiian artifacts from personal and family collections of the club along with treasures from the Lowie Museum in Berkeley. The Ohana Day celebrations were followed on Oct. 30 and 31 by discussions on "Hawaiian Family Practices" and "Perspectives of the Hula" by Edward P. Kalahiki Jr., kumu hula and lecturerofethnomusicology and member of the Hawaiian Studies Task Force at the

University of Hawaii Manoa. Other Ho'olako activities at Bowers for the rest of the year include: Nov. 7 — 12to3p. m., Lei Making, several techniques of fresh flower lei making will be shown and you make and take your own lei. Nov. 21 — 10 a. m. to 12 noon, Art of Hawaiian Quilting, the history and unique designs of Hawaiian quilting will be shared. Participants will complete their own auiltinq Droiects.

Dec. 5 — 12 to 3 p. m., Keiki Day, children ages 7-12 will complete a craft project; be introduced to the Hawaiian language; and compete in native Hawaiian games and sports. Dec. 12 — 12 to 3 p. m., Gifts of Aloha, participants will complete several projects working with natural fibers and seeds (lauhala, kukui nut and coconut husks). The club on Oct. 17 was also involved in a Communi-

ty Festival program on the Golden West College campus in Huntington Beach. The choral and music group, including hula dancers, performed in a "We, the People" celebration of the U. S. Constitution's Bicentennial. Healani Abbey was chairperson of a committee whieh sold plate lunches of teriy aki meat sticks and rice with salad.