Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, 1 January 1988 Edition 02 — Mahalo from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mahalo from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs
By Kenny Haina, Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA Ho'olokahi. Onipa'a. Ho'olahui. Ho'alahou! These are words that should be echoing throughout this jam-packed Aloha Stadium today as Hawaiians have eome out in celebrating the first gathering of its kind in 168 years as one people in a united eommon cause. The success of such a huge undertaking, however, would not have been possible were it not for the many Ho'aloha of the Hawaiian community and those people who proudly declare themselves Hawaiians-at-heart even though not one drop of Hawaiian koko flows in their veins.
There are people from all walks of life and from every ethnic group in this State who are out here working together to ensure everyone a good time and to see that Ho'olokahi will be an event to be long remembered. It is the spirit of Ho'olokahi, the mana, whieh should be reverberating throughout the stadium this day. History has been made with your attendance and commitment to today's event. School teachers, professors, engineers, cafeteria workers, cafeteria managers, custodians, corporate executives, union members, poliee officers, security personnel and bus drivers are all here today to put this event together. There are others — many, many others — rubbing shoulders for a united cause.
The list of volunteer support in money, logistics, people power, equipment, food, beverage and food supplies is long and virtually endless. They have eome from all ethnic segments of the state. While the sponsoring Office of Hawaiian Affairs is so appreciative of the kokua it has received, the agency nonetheless extends its sincerest "Mahalo" to all of you. You made it happen along with OHA's dedicated staff whieh gave its time asking no quarters in return. It is interesting to note that all the major unions in Hawaii save one have endorsed Ho'olokahi and have contributed in several ways. Hundreds of union members are among those working today serving the food and in various other capacities after several weeks of preparations.
According to a member of the organizing eommittee, only the State of Hawaii Organization of Poliee Officers (SHOPO) did not endorse Ho'olokahi. However, about 40 individual poliee officers and their ohana, not necessarily Hawaiians, have gotten together and volunteered their services and time during their days off. While it is almost impossible to name all of the volunteer participants and unions, Ka Wai Ola O OHA will attempt to list as many as have been made known. Please accept this newspaper's apology for any omission.
Don Ho, premier Waikiki headliner, was responsible for putting together today's gigantic entertainment package. Leinaala Heine Kalama, kumu hula and another Waikiki performer, gathered the more than 2,000 hula dancers from the largest assembly of hula halau at one event. There's Don Gomes, owner and president of Grayline Hawaii, meeting with his operations staff, along with Brian Shimamura of Robert's T ours and Harold DeCosta, secretary-treasurer of the Teamsters. They will be transporting people from the Leeward, North Shore and Windward areas, including Waimanalo.
Art Nishida of the Honolulu Poliee Department, a motor patrolman volunteering his services, meeting with John Yamaguchi of State Poultry Processors and Blackie Wong of Wong 'n Wong Restaurant. The people of Circle 6 Ranch in Waiawa — Herbert Naone, Gabriel Aio, Frank Perreira and Joe Hackbarth — chopping fire wood for the imu and Carpenter's Union members building wooden horses for tables. There's Alvin Tam of Tam's Kalua Services and the people of Island Pork Producers all doing their thing.
Edmund K. T oma, former president of the Hawaii Government Employees Association, AFSCME Loeal 152, AFL-CIO, coordinating the cafeteria managers in food preparation. HGEA Executive Director Russell K. Okata making available more than 500 of his members. John Radcliffe of the Hawaii State Teachers Association also making available hundreds of his school teachers in serving the food. The United Public Workers, AFSCME Loeal 646, AFL-CIO , very mueh in the thick of it with its cafeteria workers. Two former OHA Trustees on two islands handled the kalua pigs in mass imus on Maui and at the Kamehameha Schools on Kapalama Heights. Former OHA Chairman and Maui Trustee Joseph Kealoha handled the cooking chores on his island while former Oahu Trustee Rockne
Freitas was his counterpart in Honolulu. People like Kazu Sunada, former owner of Sunada Rock and Sand, and his friends donated 150 tables. George Grace of Waianae donated cooking equipment andKane Fernandez of E. K. Fernandez Shows ine. put up the tents. There's also Frank Goto of United Fishing Agency donating all fil!et for the po'ke. Chief Executive Officers Robert J. Pfeiffer of Alexander& Baldwin andHenry A. Walker Jr. of Amfac ine. are responsible for making availabie the huge refrigerated containers. Pepsi Cola/ Seven Up Bottling Company of Hawaii are furnishing the soda. The huge stage being used by the entertainers is • See Mahalo, pages 2, 3
Al Harrington The South Pacific Man Hawaii's Total Entertainer
Don Ho Organized entertainers Hilton Hawaiian Viilage Headliner
Leinaala Heine Kalama Handled hula halau
Rockne Freitas O'ahu kalua pig
• Mahalo, from page 1
the work of Ah Chew Lee and his crew. The Aloha Stadium Authority, Stadium Management and Stadium Staff share in the success of this event. Manager Charlie Bessette has been so cooperative andsupportive. Anthony 0'Brien and his Aloha Flea Market deserve a round of applause for giving up this day to accommodate the Hawaiians. Among the entertainers and hula halau, there's OHA's own Trustee Kevin (Chubby) Mahoe and the Hula Academy of St. Andrews Cathedral, the Mahoe Ohana, Ken Kamahana Hamihon, Rende Kamaluikekai Bourg, Russ Keanaeokalani Francis, Mike Lenehanko and Iwalani and Leiahton Tseu.
Charles Heen of Charles Heen Associates, chairman of the organizing committee, was bulwarked by the tremendous help of the Larry Mehau Ohana, including wife Beverly, daughters Dana Mehau-Vericella and Anela Mehau, sons Mike, Tim and Tom and granddaughters Anna, 6, and Marina, 5, who are the pride and joy of their grandparents. These two beautiful and vibrant Mehau offspring provide the steadying influence in the hustle and bustle of Ho'olokahi activities. All the Mehaus donated time and money, even the two mo'opunas.
There are many more behind the scenes volunteers and donors. Among others mentioned earlier but certainly worthy of repeating are: ■ Trustees, Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools. ■ Hawaii Firefighters Association, Black Perry. ■ International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU), Tommy Trask. ■ Carpenter's Union, Walter Kupau. ■ Plumbers International; also, Building Trades Council, Herbert Kaopua.
■ Masons, Wilbert Eguchi. ■ lronworkers, Edison Keomaka. ■ Painters, John Montrone. ■ Sheetmetal Workers, Howard Tasaka. ■ Kaneda's Foods, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Kaneda. ■ Marriott Corporation, Bob Lew. ■ Daiei Corporation, Holiday Mart. ■ Otaka ine. ■ Kokusai Kogyo Company Ltd., Mrs. Kenji Osano.
■ Diamond Head Papaya Company, Keisuku Horiike. ■ Laborers Union, Norman Kamau Janicki Jr. ■ Clarence Cordeiro, Cordeiro Enterprises (Maui). ■ Colin Cameron, Maui Land and Pineapple Company. ■ Donald Tokunaga and Frank Munoz Martin, Laneo ine. (Maui). ■ Pukalani (Maui) Superette.
Harold DeCosta Secretary-treasurer Teamsters Uninn
Brian Shimamura Robert's Tours
J. R. Burns Grayline Hawaii
Louis Gomes Grayline Hawaii
Glen lfuku Grayline Hawaii
Russell K. Okata HGEA Executive Director
Kane Fernandez Hawaii's master showman
Joseph Kealoha Mau'i kaiua pig
Art Nishida Honolulu Poliee
John Yamaguchi State Poultry Processors
• Mahalo, from page 2
Mahalo, too, to these individuals and their organizations. ■ Robert MacFarlane Jr., Dura/Constructors Ine. ■ Hiram Kaikaina, imu chief, Kamehameha School. ■ John Torres, Honolulu Poliee. ■ Christopher Hemmeter, Hemmeter Development Company. ■ Ken Pang, JKJ Enterprises. ■ Tom Moffatt, Tom Moffatt Productions.
January 23 Hawaiian Unity Day
Anna and Marina Mehau Young, vibrant keikis o ka 'aina
Don Gomes Owner and president Grayline Hawaii
Frank Goto United Fishing Agency
Mayor Frank F. Fasi City & County of Honolulu Schedules special bus service
Beverly Mehau, Dana Mehau-Vericella Mother and daughter working tandem
Blackie Wong Wong 'n Wong Restaurant
Robert J. Pfeiffer Alexander & Baldwin
Steve Kawagishi Otaka ine. (Waikiki Holiday Inn, Hawaiian Regent, Kona Surf, Kona Country Club)
Charles Heen Chairman, Organizing Committee
Paul J. Finazzo President. Chief Executive Officer, Hawaiian Airlines
Henry A. Walker Jr. Amfac ine.