Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 October 1988 Edition 02 — OHA Candidate Profiles... [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Candidate Profiles...
by Deborah Lee Ward, Acting Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA Editor's note: As a service to its voting beneficiaries and candidates, Ka Wai Ola O OHA presents the following synopsis of eaeh of the 1 7 eandidates vying for four seats on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees. There are ten candidates for one At-Large seat, three for the single Hawai'i seat, two for the lone Kaua'i seat, and two candidates for the one Moloka'i seat. Elected trustees serve a four year term. The five holdover trustees are: Rodney Kealiimahiai Burgess III, (At-Large), A. Frenchy DeSoto (At-Large), Keven M.K. "Chubby" Mahoe
(At-Large), and Manu Kahaialii (Maui). Incumbent trustees seeking re-election are: Moses K. Keale, Sr. (Kaua'i and Ni'ihau), Moanikeala Akaka (Hawaii) , Thomas K. "Unele T ommy" Kaulukukui, Sr. (Trustee At-Large), and Louis Hao (Moloka'i). A brief biographical summary and photo of this year s candidates is provided, along with their response to a single question, "What is your position on providing the Office of Hawaiian Affairs full entitlement to its lawful share of the public land trust?" Candidate statements begin on this page. AT-LARGE (1) Abraham "Chief' Aiona Rowena Noelani Akana Bob "Papakolea" Freitas Josiah L. "Black" Hoohuli Eldowayne C.K. Kalima
*Thomas K. Kaulukukui, Sr. Velma P. Aloha Kekipi Ellamae "Ellie" Kupau Kawaipuna Paekukui Prejean Albert Kaleianuenue Sing HAWAI'I (1) *Moanikeala Edwina Akaka Tommy Kekoa Robert Kamaile Lindsey KAUA'I/NI'IHAU (1) *Moses "Moke" K. Keale, Sr. Liiwela Naukana Zablan MOLOKA'I/LANA'I(l) Robert M. Makaiwi Aleain *Louis Hao (*Denotes incumbent)
At-Large Candidates
Abraham Aiona Resident of Kahului, Maui. Education: Waialae School; Hawaiian Mission Academy; University of Hawai'i (part-time). Previous and Current Employment: Director of Community Relations, Baldwin Pacific Corporation; Retired Maui Poliee Chief. Military Service: World War II Veteran; U.S. Army paratrooper, 82nd Airborne Div.; 29 years poliee service.
Political Experience: Former five-term Councilman, County of Maui Community Organizational Activities: Director, Maui Chamber of Commerce; Director, Maui Rehabilitation Center; Director, Maui Eeonomie Opportunity (Vice-President); Director, Decisions '88 Task Force (County of Maui); ViceChairman and Chairman/Budget and Finance, Year of the Hawaiian Committee; Treasurer, Maka'i Kokua (Poliee Support Group); Member, Maui County Salary Commission; Member, Mason and Past Master; Shriner, Aloha Temple AAMOS; Member, Maui Elks Lodge; Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Response to Question: As a candidate for the At-Large seat on the OHA Board, I am of the opinion that OHA should be entitled to its full and lawful share of the public land trust. Use of these lands and monies should be exclusively for Hawaiians. Such revenues should be used for programs for the education of our people, funding for health care, and for low-cost and affordable housing for our people. The need to take care of the 50 percent Hawaiians should be first, then all otherHawaiians regardless of the blood quantum. Rowena Akana Resident of Honolulu. Previous and Current Employment: Hawaiian Air, Hawaiian Homes Commission, researcher; Department of Education, teacher. Community/Organizational Activities: Member, Honolulu Press Club, Society of Hawaii's Entertainers, Musician's Association of Hawai'i;
Hawai'i Kai Bobby Sox Softball League, Executive; Federal Aviation Administration Women's Club, President; Niu Valley'sFee Simple Committee, Co-Chairperson; Campaign Coordinator for OHA Trustee Rod Burgess; Abuse Prevention, a Human Services Program; Extensive radio work, including own shows on KGU and KCCN. Appeared in a wide variety of productions as singer and dancer.
Political rallies represent one more ehanee to meet a candidate in person and find out how he or she ean represent your needs and interests. As a serviceto our voting beneficiaries, this special election edi tion presents the following schedule .
Democratic Party Area Rallies: ($2 per person) Oct. 18 (Tues.) Jefferson School, 6-8 p.m. Stew and rice dinner. Oct. 19 (Wed.) Noelani Elementary School, 6-8 p.m. Stew and rice dinner. Oct. 20 (Thur.) Moanalua High School, 6-8 p.m. Stew and rice dinner. Oct. 21 (Fri.) Castle High School, 6-8 p.m. Stew Republican Party Area Rallies: (Despite several calls to party headquarters, Ka Wai Ola O OHA was unable to obtain a listing of rallies.)
I OHA Candidate Profiles. . . }
Response to Question: With respect to the public land trust issue, as it is referred to in the Admissions Act of 1959 in Sec. 5(f), as requiring the State to hold all ceded lands returned under Sections (b) and (3) together with the proceeds from their sale or other disposition and the ineome therefrom; as a public trust for the support of the public schools and other pub!ic educational institutions, for the betterment of the conditions of native Hawaiians, as defined in the Hawaiian Homes Act, 1920. It is my belief that OHA should diligently pursue and exhaust every effort to secure its share of those lands and revenues in order to provide the services described in the Admissions Act as well as other programs not yet realized. Bob "Papakolea" Freitas Born in Kapahulu, Oahu. ResidentofPapakolea Homestead. Education: Lahainaluna, Farrington High School, National Automotive Tech School, California, West Coast Engineering, California. Previous and Current Employment: Retired U.S. Civil Service, July 1988; Aircraft Fueling and Ground Fue! Product Foreman: Heavy Equipment Operator; Construction and Housing Inspector; Design Draftsman (Electronic/Housing) Military Service: U.S. Manne Corps. Community Service: Present: President, Papakolea Community Association; Deputy Sheriff (State Judiciary System) Past: Vice-President, Roosevelt PTA; Vice-President, Congress of Hawaiian People; Law Enforcement Officer, DLNR (Division of Fish and Game); Probation Court Aide; Mediator, Makiki Justice Center;
Member, Governor's Advisory Council for Analytical Study (Act 275); President, Papakolea Community Association; President, Oahu Council of Hawaiian Homesteaders; Member, Act IV Advisory Committee, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Response to Question: I attended the 1978 Con-Con whieh created OHA and I am well aware of the original intent of OHA. There is no question but that the law provides OHA a share of the publie land trust. However, the State continues its historical practice of preventing, as well as stalling,
any full entitlements to OHA's beneficiaries. Legislative intervention appears to be the best solution. But Trustees must personally visit Hawaiian eommunities to educate and organize beneficiaries to be active at legislative sessions. The battle is not restricted to Trustee leadership, but it must be strengthened by responsible beneficiaries.
At-Large Candidates
Josiah "BIack" Hoohuli Born in Waianae. Resident of the Nanakuli Homestead. Education: Leeward Community College, studied architecture. Community/Organizational Activities: Hoala Kanawai, Ine., President, one of original founders. Petitioned government for self-govern-ing body of the Hawaiian p>eople; Nanakuli Homesteaders Association, Vice-President; Ka Lahui Hawaii. Oahu Chairman; Honolulu Community Action, Board member; Nanakuli Athletic Boosters Club, Vice President; Strategy Committee Chairman for Nanakuli Neighborhood Housing Services Assessment Project. Response to Question: I support the lawful entitlement of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; and I believe the voice of the Hawaiian people should be represented in the perpetuation of the land. In addition, the proper management of the ceded lands trust should provide for the education of our ehildren; the preservation and promotion of the Hawaiian culture; and the protection of native rights.
Eldowayne C.K. Kalilma
Eldowayne C.K. Kalima Resident of Honolulu. Education: Hilo High School, BYU-Hawaii, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass., Deqrees: B.S., M.S. Previous and Current Employment: U.S. Justice Dept., U.S. Marshal's Service; Northeastern University-Public Safety Division ; U.S. Treasury Dept.; U.S. Customs Division; National Academy of Sciences; Security Specialist Response to Question: I fully support the Office of Hawaiian Affairs receiving full entitlement of its lawful share of the public land trust.
Thomas Kaulukukui* Born in Honolulu. Resident of Kaneohe Education: Graduate of University of Hawai'i. Master's Degree in Health and Physical Education. Graduate studies, Michigan State Previous and Current Employment: VicePresident, Hawai'i Branch Commercial Life Insuranee Company; United States Marshal, Hawai'i; Trustee, Bankruptcy Court; Director of Athletics, University of Hawai'i. Political Experience: Candidate for Honolulu City Council. Community/Organizational Activities: Eight years experience as OHA Trustee: served on all Committees on the Board; Chairperson of External Affairs; Past Chairperson of Human Services Committee; Kahana Valley,Casey Foundation Advisory Committees, Little League and Pop Wamer Committees. Response to Question: I do not believe OHA is getting its full entitlement of the public land trust. It is therefore imperative that OHA's special eommittee meet with the Governor's Committee to resolve the many issues involving ceded land entitlement. I believe that in addition to money, some surplus land returned to the State by the Federal Govemment, should be turned over to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. To achieve this, the State should have a Task Force work with the military for return of these surplus lands.
Velma P. Aloha Kekipi Born in Kapahulu, Oahu. Resident of Nanakuli. Education: Kaimuki High School. University of Hawai'i (3 yrs.). H & R Block ineome Tax (2 yrs.), Mike McCormack School of Realty, Dale * Carnegie Sales.
Previous and Current Employment: Do!e Company, Personnel; Liberty Bank, Consumer loan; F&S Towing, Ltd., part-owner; Bruce Pendleton, personal ineome tax; Loma Silkwood Realty; Hanohano Realty; University of Hawai'i, MTL, ine., Department ofEducation (DOE) Kupuna Program; Commission on the Status of Women; Waianae Coast Culture and Arts Society, ine., DOE-Nanakuli High School. Community/Organizational Activities: Waianae Coast Neighborhood Board #24 representing the Nanakuli Sub-District #1, served as Communications Chairperson; Culture and Arts Chair; Palama Settlement-Pakolea academic eoaeh; Kawaiaha'o Church; YWCA Y-Teen Club Advisor, YWCA Federation. Response to Question: The Statutes areclear that "20 percent of all funds derived from the publie land trust" are to go to OHA for "the betterment of conditions of native Hawaiians." The pilikia is an internal situation with OHA and DOT claiming to exercise their kuleana (authority). I believe that OHA has the higher jurisdiction with its fiduciary responsibilities. OHA must go out into the eommunities and educate its beneficiaries about their rights and responsibilities in a way that is "culturally sensitive" and "Western smart." OHA needs to achieve ALOHA with justice. Ellamae "Ellie" Kupau Born in Kalihi. Resident of Waianae, Oahu. Education: Kamehameha Schools, St. Katherine's, San Francisco State University. University of Hawai'i; Graduate Realtor Institute, Electronic Realtors Associates; Business and Advanced Sales and Management in Real Estate. Community/Qrganizational Activities:
I OHA Candidate Profiles. .
Council of Hawaiian Organizations; Neighborhood Board. #13, past Chairman; Democratic Party; Hawai'i Political Action Committee; Working Women of Hawai'i, and many others. Response to Question: As a Trustee, I would advocate and support amending Chapter 10 through the State legislature that would grant the Office of Hawaiian Affairs its lawful share of the revenues and lands from the public land trust. I do further support legislative action that would allow OHA to use the revenues and lands from the publie land trust for both the Native Hawaiian and Hawaiian beneficiaries of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. 1 believe that under the State's Admission Act, both Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians are equal beneficiaries of the public land trust.
Kawaipuna Paekukui Prejean Resident of Honolulu. Education: Maryknoll, Stevenson, Roosevelt, Los Angeles City College Experiences: World traveler and fact finder. Attended numerous conferences and forums addressing the affairs of settler governments and its impact on indigenous people, that span U.S., Canada, and Europe; including Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs Chairman, U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye. Advocated desire for self-government on behalf of sovereign-minded
Hawaiians. Response to Question: Most important is that OHA constituents understand that entitlement doesn't mean charity. Indigenous Hawaiianpeople are deserving of a fair measure of the revenues eollected by the state. Be mindful that our aboriginal ancestors had full use of the entire Hawaiian island ehain and beyond. I would urge increasing the participation and input on an on-going basis of a people's lobby; opening a grassroots pipeline to ignite and revive the interest and involvement of our people and friends. What is at stake is a Hawaiian Pacific agenda, that begins with survival politics, empowerment through political clout and jurisdiction through self-determination.
Albert Kaleianuenue Sing Honolulu resident. Retired, Vendor for the Blind. Political Experiences: Commission on Aging; Children and Youth Advisory Board; County Committee on Aging; Past member on Neighborhood Board; Past Chairperson of HCAP; and
■ OHA Candidate Profiles. . .
other non-profit organizations as member and chairperson. Response to Question: When we are talking about land trust or reparations, we're talking about getting the land back or receiving revenues whieh the State or Federal Government is using. We would like to have returned revenues to be shared among all Hawaiians. a. Receiving the land b. Receiving revenues from the land e. Receiving excess lands that both Federal and State are not using that rightfully belong to the Hawaiians.
Hawai'i Residency Candidates
Moanikeala Akaka* Resident of Hilo, Hawaii. Education: Kamehameha Schools, University of Hawai'i, Manoa and Hilo campuses, San Francisco City College. Previous and Current Employment: Consultant, Environmentalist, Community Native Rights Organizer.
Business Career: Founder, Movement to Save 'Aina, Kalama Valley; Assistant Planner, Model Cities; Hawaiian Consultant, ANA, Department of Health and Human Services. Political Experience: OHA Trustee; Founder Aloha Aina Education Center; Leader, Hilo Airport Occupation, 1978; Spearheaded Hawai'i County Nuclear-Free Ordinance. Community/Organizational Activities: Protect Kaho'olawe Ohana; Pacific Concerns Resource Center; Legislator, Lahui Hawaii; East Hawai'i Cultural Center; Native Hawaiian Land Task Force; Friends of the Forest. Response to Question: As one of five Trustee members in the Ad Hoe Ceded Lands Committee, I've attended meetings for months withthe Governor's team to negotiate a just and fair settlement for our people relating to full Ceded Lands Entitlements. Lands, monies and programs derived from the Ceded Lands package currently under discussion with the Governor's team will be taken to the next legislature. We need your kokuato lobby for this package. As OHA's Program Committee Chairperson, 1 am dismayed that so little of OHA's resources are available for substantial programs. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono.
Tommy Kekoa Born in Honolulu. Resident of Captain Cook, Kona, Hawai'i. Education: Aina Haina, Niu Valley Intermediate, Kalani High School, University of Hawai'i, Manoa (part-time). Previous and Current Employment: Lulu's of Hawaii, ine., travel promotion company, President; Paradise Park, Promotions Director; owned and operated family restaurant, Hale Kope and Luau Catering; Hawaiian Humane Society, Fund Raising Coordinator/Head of Sterilization Program, "Operation: Fix-it".
Community /Organizational Activities: Pet Whirl, educational TV series, Oeeanie Cable Vision producer. lnterest/Hobby: Hawaiian lomi lomi and use of Hawaiian herbs. Travel, wildlife animals, youth advisor. Response to Question: My position is very strong in that 1 support all efforts for us to acquire any and all monies, funds, and/or properties, anything of value to whieh we have rightful entitlement. For too long the Hawaiians have been denied that privilege. What rightfully belongs to the Hawaiian people should never be denied. I cannot be too strong in my commitment for this purpose. Robert Kamaile Lindsey Resident of Kamuela, Hawaii. Born in Hilo Education: Kamehameha Schools, University of Hawai'i, B.A. Previous and Current Employment: Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate: Government Relations Specialist; Agency Liaison to the President; East Hawai'i Regional Coordinator. Hawaiian Homes Farmer; Social Worker, Heavy Equipment Operator, National Park Service Cultural Interpreter; Construction Laborer; Legislator; Truck Farmer. Political Experience: Representative, District 6, Hawai'i Legislature: Chairman, House Education committee; Member, Committees on Health, Housing, Higher Education, and Human Resources. Community/Organizational Activities: Present: Kamehameha Schools Alumni Assn.; Puukapu Farmer's Homestead Assn.; Waimea School PTSA. Past: Member, Hawai'iLibrary Advisory Commis-
sion; Member, Hawai'i County Planning Board of Appeals; President, Waimea-Kawaihae Community Assn.; Charter President, Makani Jaycees; Response to Question: I will fully endorseand support all initiatives by OHA to fulfill its fiduciary duties, legal responsibilities and moral obligations as it negotiates a resolution of this very important issue with the State Administration, the Hawai'i Legislature and the general public. It is critical however, that OHA meets with the beneficiaries to seek out manao on concessions and commitments made in the course of these negotiations. I believe the discussions between OHA and the Waihee Administration during the past ten months are a major step forward. There will be obstacles along the way. But OHA with our help will prevail. I am confident of this.
Kaua'i Residency Candidates
Moses Kapalekilahae Keale, Sr.* Born in Puuwai, Ni'ihau. Resident of Kaua'i. Education: Waimea Elementary and High Schools, Kaua'i Community College, Accounting.
I OHA Candidate Profiles. . .
Military Service: Hawaii Army National Guard Officer Candidate School, Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 1974. Previous and Current Employment: State Department of Social Services and Housing, 20 years; Hawai'i Job Corps, 7-l/2 years; Gay & Robinson Plantation, 10 years; KUAI Radio Host, over 20 years and still going; Host, Holiday Inn, Kauai Beach; Consultant/Teacher, Hawaiian Language Classes, Kahiko Halapai Hula Alapai Halau. Political Experience: Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Board of Trustees, Chairman and Vice Chairman; OHA Budget and Finance Committee Chairman, 1982-86; OHA Representative to Indigenous Peoples International Conference, 1982-86; OHA Representative to South Pacific Commission, 1982-85; OHA Representative to Alaskan Federation of Natives Conference. Response to Question: I firmly support the position to provide OHA with full entitlement to its lawful share of the public land trust. I believe it is due the Hawaiian people as it is guaranteed to Native Hawaiians as provided by the Hawai'iState Constitution and the Admissions Act. Legislative action in 1980 enacted that OHA receive 20 percent of all ceded land proceeds. There needs to be arr increased emphasis on cooperation between OHA and other agencies as vital to achieving OHA's mission for the betterment of Hawaiians at all levels. Some people see cooperation as diluting our power. Actually, it enhances it.
Liiwela Naukana Zablan Born in Honolulu. Resident of Kilauea, Kaua'i. Education: Roosevelt High School, University of San Francisco, Windward Community College. Previous and CurrentEmployment: Retired, 34 years federal experience in the field of Personnel Management; Realtor, Associate, Measel Associates, Princeville, Hanalei, Kaua'i. Community/Organizational Activities: Kilauea Neighborhood Board, Crater Hill Coalition Committee, Secretary; Hawai'i State Federation, first Vice President; Nahonal Association of Retired Federal Employees, Chairman; Hawai'i State Federation 1988 Convention; Prince Kuhio Celebration Committee; Kaua'i Aloha Week Celebration Committee; Kaua'i Business Council; Hawaii and Kaua'i Board of Realtors; Kauai Chapter, HSF, NARFE, Vice President. Response to Question: OHA must aggressively pursue attainment of its entitlement to its lawful share of the public land trust through the
legal system, from the lowest to the highest courts in the United States and, if necessary the United Nations. Judiciary determination is essential to fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities under Chapter 10, HRS. Neil Levy, Associate Professor of Law, Golden Gate University, states in his preliminary research titled "Native Hawaiian Land Rights." "Just as displacement of Native Hawaiians was accomplished primarily through the manipulahon of the legal system, so, too, legal action is necessary to assure Native Hawaiians' future on the Islands."
Moloka'i Residency Candidates
Robert M. Makaiwi Aleain Born in Honolulu. Resident of Moloka'i. Education: Moloka'i High and Intermediate Schools, Maui Community College, A.S. Agriculture. Military Service: U.S. Army, Vietnam Veteran, 1967-1970. Previous and Current Employment: Carpenter and part-time farmer. Community/Organizational Activities: Moloka'i Homesteaders Association, Vice President; Statewide Hawaiian Homestead Association; Director; Ka Lahui Hawai'i, Moloka'i. Response to Question: I have lived on Moloka'i most of my life and I am a fourth generation of the Makaiwi ohana on this island. The problefns and lifestyle associated with Hawaiian
communities today ean only be resolved and improved by the Hawaiian people through our vested rights. Hawaiians must acquire a land base with all of its resources, to be governed by Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians in order to ensure self determination. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs' full entitlement to its lawful share of the public land trust, should be not less than 20 percent of all ceded lands as mandated in the State Constitution. Louis Hao Moloka'i resident. Born in Kona, Hawai'i. Education: Hilo High School, University of Hawai'i, B.A., Ball State University, M.A. in Sociology and M.A. in Counseling.
Previous and Current Employment: County Services Administrator, Moloka'i; 25 years govemment services. Community/Organizational Activities: Current: Moloka'i Task Force, Chairperson; Moloka'i Chapters of the Amenean Cancer Society and the American Red Cross, Director; OHA Board of Trustees, Chairperson, Vice-Chair-person. Previous: Maui Eeonomie Opportunity, ine., Vice Chairperson; Lokahi Pacific, ine., Director; Moloka'i Institute of Agriculture, Chairperson; Aloha Energy Systems, ine., Director; Moloka'i Chamber of Commerce, President; Hawai'i Visitors Bureau, Director; Moloka'i General Hospital, Chairperson. Response to Question: The law is the law. OHA is entitled to its full share of the Public Land Trust. However, all of the 5f revenues are not now available to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs because the Department of T ransportation refuses to eomply with the law and because the judicial system fails to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities. As a Trustee, I will strive to continue the effort to resolve this issue of full entitlement for the Hawaiian people.