Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 2, 1 February 1989 — Fax 2 Da Max Fun, Informative Book [ARTICLE]

Fax 2 Da Max Fun, Informative Book

What's the least expensive "fax maehine" on the market today? The hilarious and informative addition to the To Da Maxseries. Fax2Da Maxwon't provide instantaneous communications across town or the oeean, but it does contain over 100 pages of little-known but valuable information that kamaainas and newcomers alike shouldn't be without.

In addition to 90 lists, whieh include "where the worst air is," "10 icky truths about the cockroach," "loeal products you have to wonder about," "most fattening plate lunches," and "41 01ympians living in Hawai'i, there are over three dozen "fax," such as this one: Hawai'i is moving closer to the mainland at the rate of two inches a year. All this plus over 100 clever line drawings and offbeat photographs. Fax 2 Da Max is available at loeal book outlets. Published by Bess Press.