Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 2, 1 February 1989 — OHA Volunteers In Action [ARTICLE]

OHA Volunteers In Action

by Solomon Loo, Director of Volunteers

Volunteers are needed to help identify new Hawaiian voters for the next state election. At this time we need people to phone OHA voters to see if they know individuals who are not registered or who will be eligible to vote by the next election. The phoning ean be done at your home at your convenience. If you ean spare an hour or two a week, please eall Solomon Loo at 261-3285.

Mahalo to John Larson, new OHA volunteer, for helping prepare ballots in the November 1988 OHA referendum. He also assisted in the distribution of the Ka Wai Ola O OHA. Another volunteer, Bill Awana, of Kailua, has been delivering the newspaper on O'ahu monthly since August 1988. Mahalo nui loa to him also. lf you are interested in other opportunities to be a volunteer for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, , please eall Solomon Loo at 261-3285.