Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 4, 1 April 1990 — Audit is positive and helpful [ARTICLE]

Audit is positive and helpful

The management and financial audit releasedin February by the state legislative auditor is a helpful and positive document, according to an announcement by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Administrator Richard K. Paglinawan pointed out that OHA itself sought funds from the 1989 legislature to conduct just such a study but legislators turned the job over to the office of the legislative auditor. Paglinawan said this is the second manaqement audit initiated by OHA. The first audit, completed in 1986 by Arthur Young & Company, was commissioned and paid contir\ued page 15

Audit from page 1

for by OHA. The audit studies, Paglinawan said, are an integral part of OHA's continuing selfevaluation. "They identify areas where corrective action is necessary and serve as a valuable tool to help us meet our prime mandate of bettering the conditions of the Hawaiian people," he said. Regarding the latest legislative auditor's report Paglinawan said: "We appreciate the auditor's aeknowledgment that OHA is still in its developing stages and remains open to new initiatives and

experimentation." Paglinawan added that specific areasof eoneem noted in the audit are worthy of serious attention and consideration and some have already been resolved. OHA will eonhnue to address the remaining concerns, within budgetary and other constraints, with the understandinq that OHA must give priority attention to its foremost goal of meeting the needs of the beneficiaries, Paglinawan said.