Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 4, 1 April 1990 — Hawaiian conversation class [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian conversation class

The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee eonhnue during May the Hawaiian language program, "Brown Bagging to Conversational Hawaiian: A Language Awareness and Conversational Class for the Busy Person." Students of the course ean expect a heightened awareness of the Hawaiian language and to be instructed in pronunciation as well as basic conversational skills. The course is targeted to the working adult. Everyone is weleome. There is no homework or tests. Classes meet at 11 a.m. and at noon in 'Iolani Barracks, on the 'Ewa palaee grounds, on Mondays for continuing students and Wednesdays for beginning students. There are no classes on holidays. Fees are $5 eaeh session. Students register for a month at a time and fees are payable upon registration with adjustments made for holidays. No textbook is required, just peneil and paper. For more information eall the Palaee program coordinator, Keola Cabacungan, at 522-0827.