Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 4, 1 April 1990 — Ahahui Kapiolani award [ARTICLE]

Ahahui Kapiolani award

Elizabeth Madrona is the first winner of a $500 college scholarship award from the Ahahui K api'olani, a non-profit organization dedicated to perpetuating the benevolent works of Queen Kapi'olani. She is a 1987 qraduate of Kamehameha Schools and is a second-year college student at Chaminade University with a double major in early childhood education and elementary education. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Madrona of Honolulu. Madrona is interested in hula and has studied for six years with Halau Mohala Ilima under kumu hulu Mapuana DeSilva. She said she first heard about the scholarship award applications from an article in Ka Wai Ola O OHA last November. The award was presented in a ceremony at Mauna 'Ala, the Royal Mausoleum in Nu'uanu. Present were the officers and director of Ahahui Kapi'oiani, Mr. and Mrs. Madrona, Elizabeth Madrona and three members of the newly-char-tered Queen Kapi'olani Hawaiian Civic Club, Luana Beck, Candace Hurley and Maude Sato. After an opening chant , written by Kalani Akana for the day, Ahahui president Kaha'i Topolinski read a few poems written by Kapi'olani and gave a brief history of the queen's life. Ho'okupu were presented and Kalani Akana gave the closing chant.