Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 7, 1 July 1991 — KCC hosts contemporary Maori art show [ARTICLE]

KCC hosts contemporary Maori art show

"Te Atinga," an exhibition of contemporary Maon art, was recently featured at the Kapiolani Community College Koa Gallery in June. The show featured works by 11 Maon artists, many who are pioneers in contemporary, nontraditional art forms in New Zealand. Today. Maori art, both traditional and contemporary, is receiving recognition as an art form unique to New Zealand. "Te Atinga" means "descendants" and in the show refers to both the artists and to their pieces,

as all are rooted in the same tradition, myth and symbology. The exhibit opening ceremony at the Diamond Head campus followed a ritual of weleome based on both Hawaiian and Maori customs. It began with signals, sounding of eoneh shells and drums, and chants to eall eaeh other. This was followed by speeches to explain why visitors have eome and responses of weleome by the hosts. Eaeh speech was followed by a chant, song or dance to enhanee the spoken word.

"Nga whaikorero" (speeches of the Maori guests) were made by Maori Brett Graham, a master of fine arts candidate at the University of Hawai'i, and by Rama Durie, New Zealand consul of Los Angeles. "Na ha'iolelo" (speeches in Hawaiian language) were made by Kiki Mo'okini, KCC lecturer and OHA trustee Moses K. Keale, Sr. Keale's speech of weleome was preceded by an oli komo, chant of introduction by OHA trustee Kamaki A. Kanahele. Oli and hula were shared by kumu hula John Keola Lake and his dancers of Na Hanona O Ka Halau Hula Pa Ola Kapu. The ceremony concluded with presentation of leis and "honi ihu hongi," the custom of touching or pressing noses found both in Hawaiian and Maori tradition. "Te Atinga" was presented by the New Zealand Consulate General, Te Waka Toi (Council for Maon and South Pacific Arts), the University of Hawai'i School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies, and Kapiolani Community College. Gallery director is Frank Sheriff.