Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 8, 1 August 1992 — ʻAha ʻOpio trains young Hawaiian leaders [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

ʻAha ʻOpio trains young Hawaiian leaders

by Jeff Clark "The job is yours," the Chair of OHA's Board of Trustees, Clayton Hee, told the 57 high school students who attended the fifth annual youth legislature, 'Aha 'Opio O OHA, June 22-27. The 'Aha 'Opio, conducted every summer by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, is a ehanee for Hawaiian youth to learn the poliheal process and the meaning of self-gov-emanee in a context of Hawaiian eulture and values.

Hee's remark reflected the motto of this year's conference, Ho'olale I Ka 'Ai A Na U'i — "Let the youth show what they ean do." It's a theme that's particularly appropriate this eleeīion year as voters challenge the status quo and anti-incumbent sentiment runs high. "This is an opportunity where we ean make changes," 1991 'Aha 'Opio Lt. Gov. Jasmina Napua Walea told the novice legislators.

The goal of 'Aha "Opio is the development of Hawaiian leaders through hands-on experience. opportunity for public speaking, and practice with poliheal action. Equally important is involving the 'opio with their Hawaiian heritage by identifying and encouraging Hawaiian values. (OHA's Master Plan encourages Hawaiians to assume a more active role in state government. recognizing that training must begin today if we are to have leaders tomorrow.)

Students draft, lobby, debate, amend, and kill or pass bills on a wide range of issues. Sessions are held in the House and Senate chambers. At the end of the week, a governor, lieutenant governor and their advisors are

elected to preside over next year's conference. The students are recruited for the conference from high schools and from Hawaiian organizations throughout the state. There was also one delegate eaeh from Pennsylvania and Alaska. OHA Education Officer Rona Rodenhurst, coordinator of 'Aha 'Opio, said, "I look forward every year to see what new faces and new

ideas (will arrive). ... because eaeh t:lass is really special." When the conference was over, Rodenhurst said of the young leaders, "They'll be making some key deci-

sions in the next few years. At least now they're not afraid to discuss, not afraid to ask questions, and they're also not afraid to argue, knowing that argument leads to more discussion and more awareness." One major les-

son learned over the week is "how the individual ean make a difference," she said.

Making a difference in presenting the 1992 'Aha 'Opio were many volunteers, some of whom spent the entire week with the 'opio. Meadow Gold Dairies is also deserving of acknowledgement for providing generous contributions of beverages for the students.

As politically savvy a group of young Hawaiian leaders as you'll find anywhere, the students of 'Aha 'Opio O OHA 1992. Front row: Santus Wiehimai, Heather Ellis, Pualeilani Fernandez, Sonia Malani, Pualani Kalauli, Ahlayn Sam Fong, Miehelle Yuen, Rosemary Smythe, Leah Kalaoia, Jashua Viernes. Second row: Janice lkeda, Leimana DaMate, Kimber Mactagone, Amber Smith, Janna Evans, Kiana Young, Joeann Peters, Sharla Saffery, Debbralee Shibata, Prentess Hanamoto, Kilia Purdy. Third row: Enola Kaneta, Teresa Zachman, Annie Canario, Lehua Robello, Sherri Calles, Jamie Kahooilihala, Liane Koanui, Leatrice Burrows, Grace Kaohelaulii, Miehelei Kahae, Emily Lima. Fourth row: Kimo Albarado, Melanie Ross, ūanielle Pahia, Lisa-Ann Pana, Kevelyn Puahi, Erika Rosa, Lisa Smith, Nikki Ka'ai, CheriAnn Kapika, Leslee Florea. Back row: Randi Mukai, Wayne Kuanoni, Keoki Palaeio, Troy Lee, Robert Kaupu, Tyson Lee, William Manini, Jeremy Dulatre, Layne Napuelua, Kaena Kawal, David Kane, Harry Ballesteros, Alika Bumatay, Glenn Ka'awalau'ole. Photo by Sabra Kauka McCracken