Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 November 1992 — Mayoral Candidates [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Mayoral Candidates

City and County of Honolulu •Frank F'asl (R) Qualifications: I have been a smallbusiness man, territorial senator, member of the s'econd Constitutional Convention, Honolulu city eouneil member and mayor for five terms. I received a bachelor of science degree from Trinity College (Connecticut). I served in World War II and was discharged as a Marine Captain in 1956. £ n 1 n 1

offic: I want to give every citizen equal opportunity for employment. I want to help the "little guy" be able to afford to live in his

native land. I am proud of winning the 1990 award for Expanding Home Ownership and Affordable Housing Opportunities from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. I also want to ensure the quality of life for the people of Honolulu. This means continuing the efforts that eamed us such titles as America's Most Livable City (1992) and Green City USA (1991). This quality is what I look forward to eonlinue to provide so that our children and grandchildren ean not only afford to live in their own homes but also enjoy the beauty that is Hawai'i. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The single most pressing problem is laek of control over the ability to determine their future and the use of resources whieh are rightfully theirs. While Hawaiians have been fighting for control of their own lives and lands, as mayor, I have been fighting for home mle for our counties and more affordable housing. We must proceed on parallel paths by pressuring the state to relinquish control over the lives of Native Hawaiians and the Hawaiian Home Lands, and to grant home mle to the counties so that we ean control our resources and build more affordable housing. On the federal trust responsibillty to Native Hawaiians: Together we must communicate to our federal officials that we of Hawai'i want control over our lives and destiny. We must hold them to their responsibility to ensure the overall health and education of Native Hawaiians. As mayor of Honolulu, I will assist in these efforts, continue to stand behind Native Hawaiians as I have throughout my career and continue to speak up whenever I feel their rights have been violated. Dennis 0'Connor (D) Qualifications: I grew up in Honolulu. My public service career spans many years as representative in the Hawai'i State Legislature 1970-1974, state senator, 1975-1982; and city eouneilman, 1986-1988. In both the House and the

Judiciary Committee. I have been a Honolulu attomey for 30 years. Goals in office: To build affordable housing and rental units. To establish needed jobs, especially for our young people. To provide more playing fields for children and beach parks for families. To solve the major traffic problems by expanding and rerouting our bus fleet, while providing other alternative transportation methods. Most pressing problem facing Hawailans today: Health, education, crime, and homelessness are among the major concerns. I would encourage state and federal programs to benefit Native Hawaiians to develop programs that will enhanee the social status of the Hawaiian people and work towards sovereignty. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: My eoneem would be to help get Bill Clinton elected and along with our Congressional team lobby at every opportunity to establish the trust responsibility for Native Hawaiians. Jack Schweigert (L) Qualifications: As a Hawai'i lawyer since 1974, 1 have thrown my heart and soul into using Hawai'i laws to protect

our environment and defend the privacy and human digniI ty of individI uals subject|ed to caprilcious govem- ] ment action. ]As to non-

legal matters, I am a member and "tailtwister" with the Honolulu Lions Club; past president and present director of the Pauoa Community Association; and married with children ages 6 and 8. Goals in office: The city ean pretty mueh nm itself. It is the mayor"s job to ensure that special interests or callous majorities do not trample over or take advantage of comparatively less wealthy and empowered communities such as Hawaiians. My record speaks for my commitment to social and eeonomie justice. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: If you elect me mayor, I will be responsible for the city and county as a whole. I would support the community organizations already working hard to support Hawaiians. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I believe that the federal govemment has a legal obligation to fulfill its federal trust responsibility to Hawaiians. I will assist in my full capacity as mayor. My formula for solving Hawai'i's problems is to support community groups who are comprised of and directly responsible to their eommunities. Hawai'i County Aaron Anderson (L) Qualifications: I have been a selfamnlmioH rmo11 Kn einaoo mon f Ar 7 D

years. Goals in office: Getting our island self-

I sufficient is I the goal. |Create our lown energy I for electricity I and automoI biles by ener]gy farming, I growing biolmass crops lfor aleohol, methanol and fuel oil.

Diversified farming to grow our own food, using sustainable agricultural practices. Creating the resources through hemp farming to make our own food, fuel, and fiber for fabric, and pharmaceutical hemp flowers for medieine. Plaee restrictions on unrecyclable packaging. Create a bottle law, etc. Promote electric car production locally. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Sovereignty. It's time to give Hawaiians their Hawaiian Home Lands. They don't need more government improvements and promises. They need their land to use as they wish. It's time to get off the petrochemieal habit and aeate our own earthwise economy. Self-sufficiency is the ideal here in order to foster more freedom apd independence. On the federal trust responslblllty to Native Hawaiians: I really don't specifically know what a mayor ean do. I will do whatever it takes. Self-deter-mination and self-sufficiency are the goals here. Jack Davis (G) Qualifications: At three universities I have majored in architecture and civil engineering, and have eamed degrees in industrial arts and education (B.S.) and community development/Asian studies (M.A.) in an overseas operations program. I have achieved success in two retail businesses in Hawai'i and in U.S. government administration (Laos); Education: I have taught and trained children and adults in Malaysia, Laos, Nepal and the U.S. Contracting and building trades in Guam, Malaysia, Nepal, the U.S. and Hawai'i. Community organization and leadership in Hawai'i and political organization and leadership also in Hawai'i. I have lived in Hawai'i County for 22 years and on O'ahu for three years. Goals in office: I want to restore honesty, fairness and confidence in government. I want to initiate and increase stable and sustainable programs in agriculture, especially food producti(m; and in eco-tourism, whieh encourages visitors who appreciate natural beauty and eultural attractions. I want to help create a society where all citizens are guaranteed the basic needs of life, including: food, shelter, satisfactory employment, quality education, and the opportunity to develop and grow to maximum individual potential I want to help build a society where citizens feel that the government

and the decisions, and elected government representatives act as their servants. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: On this hundredth anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy, it is essential that a formal and definitive apology be proclaimed by the top representatives of all government bodies: coimty, state, and nation. The deliberate theft of the Hawaiian islands and the systematic denigration of the Hawaiian culture and the Hawaiian people have brought about the virtual extinction of this onee proud and successful culture. Every means possible must be applied to restore the Hawaiian culture to equality, if not supremacy, in the Hawaiian Archipelago. On the federal trust responsibillty to Natlve Hawaiians: Probably the most effective way to exert maximum influenee with any govemment body is for a large united group to make a strong, focused, well-defined demand. The various Hawaiian organizations must unify and demand that the govemment obey the law. Wendell Kaehuaea (R) Qualiflcations: I would be the best person for mayor of this county versus the other candidates, having served without

eiieeil VCI1C!>S in their eommu ni t i e s . And have shown no plans, goals or aeeomplishment. I offer a new approach to the leadership

of HawaLi County, as a Native Hawaiian with a diversified background in agriculture and business. Goals in office: It is my earnest desire to give the people equal opportunity to establish an open communication relationship concerning their ideas, suggestions or recommendations to effectuate all matters pertinent to the county govemment structure as well as to introduce a "no property tax" for seniors 60plus. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The most pressing problem is the inavailability of legal assistance in matters of not only land, but family, home and jobs. And related to that is understanding why we always become casualties in the state and federal courts. I would ask volunteers from our private law offices as a human gesture to help Hawaiians without payment. Legal Aid and others, presently are limited. On the federal trust relationship to Native Hawaiians: An independent nation of Hawaivi would be the only way Ccmgress, the Administration, state and county government will understand. Stephen Yamashiro (D) No statement was received from candi-

Aaron Anderson