Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 3, 1 March 1993 — Scholars take note: money available for college [ARTICLE]

Scholars take note: money available for college

For students wishing to attend college lacking the resources, scholarships are available from a wide variety of organizations. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, for instance, recently gave out $50,000 in scholarships (see story page 12), and recent issues of Ka Wai Ola O OHA have featured extensive scholarship listings. Here are three more sources.

Kamehameha Schools / Bishop Estate The goal of Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate's (KS/BE) Post-High School Financial Aid Program is to increase the number of Hawaiians obtaining college degrees. The program's strategy is to offer financial aid and eounseling services to eligible stu-

dents. The basic requirements are Hawaiian ancestry, financial need, classified full-time enrollment in an accredited post-sec-ondary institution, and satisfactory academic performance. A Kamehameha standard application form, available from high school counselors and post-high school institutions, is used to apply to KS/BE programs. Applicants must also complete a 1993-94 college scholarship service financial aid form.

Students may be eligible for $6.8 million in KS/BE-funded programs, and $1.2 million in federally-funded programs, whieh include the Native Hawaiian Higher Education Program and the Native Hawaiian Health Professions Scholarship Program. For more information, eall 842-

8216. Hawai'i Community Foundation The Hawai'i Community Foundation has announced that applications are available for scholarships for the 1993-94 aeademic year. Students are encouraged to apply for more than 30 scholarship funds administered by the foundation, including: the Juliette M. Atherton Scholarship, the Community Scholarship Fund, the Hawai'i Veterans Memorial Fund Scholarship, the Ka'iulani Home for Girls Trust Scholarship, the Manon Maccarrell Scott Scholarship, the Mildred Towle Scholarship, and the Dr. Hans & Clara Zimmerman Foundation Scholarship. Eaeh scholarship fund has its

own eligibility requirements. In addition, applicants must be Hawai'i residents, plan to attend an accredited 2- or 4-year college or university, and be full-time students. Grants may be used for any expense that relates to education costs, such as tuition, fees, books, room and board, and travel.

The Hawai'i Community Foundation is a publicly supported grant-making foundation. The individual scholarship funds were established by people and organizations wanting to assist Hawai'i residents obtain college educations. During the 1992-93 academie year, over a thousand scholarships totaling $1.16 million were awarded. An application booklet for the scholarship grants is available from financial aid offices at Hawai'i colleges and universities, high school guidance counselors,

and the foundation. For more information, eall 537-6333.

Rotary International Scholarships The Rotary Foundation is offering international, year-abroad scholarships. Applicants must be good representatives of Hawai'i, have good grades and be able to express their opinions clearly. Rotary has several scholarships available, including academic year ambassadorial scholarships, multi-year ambassadorial scholarships, and Japan program scholarships. Application forms are available from the different Rotary Clubs in Hawai'i, the Rotary International District 500 office (eall 734-5698 or fax 735-1073), or by calling Robert Fujii at 5378392.