Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 8, 1 August 1993 — Kūpuna to gather in conference [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kūpuna to gather in conference

'Aha Kūpuna, OHA's sixth annual kūpuna conference, is scheduled for Sept. 30 through Oct. 3 on the island of Hawai'i at the King Kamehameha Hotel in Kailua-Kona. The theme for this year's conference is "Mālama i ka Ipu - Mai ka Ipu Nui Mai, Ka Po'okela (Care for the Ipu, Within the Big Gourd there is Wisdom)." Led by kūpuna Betty Jenkins and Anne Kaapana, the 'Aha Kūpuna planning committee arrived at the theme of the ipu after many months. The ipu symbolizes a reinforcement of the sense of belonging, binding and connecting to help heal our people, first as individuals, then as 'ohana, community, nation and the world. The ipu with its entwined vines is a constant reminder of I entanglement and life's natural barriers. The vine represents the umbilical cord that connects us as a people to eaeh other. As a special treat, at the start of the conference kupuna Anna Mitchell and her 'ohana will conduct a hands-on workshop in whieh participants will create their own 'umeke lōkahi. Kūpuna will mālama their 'umeke for the duration of the 'aha, and it will serve as their entry to all conference events. Also scheduled to share his mana'o with our kūpuna is Dr. Paul Persall, Ph.D., scientist, author, and lecturer. Persall believes in Hawai'i's healing powers and recently moved to Klhei, Maui. Miracles occur when we combine the principles of modern science with faith in the boundless capacity of the human spirit, says Persall. At the 'aha's conclusion three awards will be presented to exemplary kūpuna. One award will be from the OHA trustees, one from the kūpuna planning committee and one from the 'aha participants. For more information about this year's 'Aha Kūpuna, eall OHA's education division at 586-3751.