Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 8, 1 August 1993 — DBEDT money goes to Maui Mālama Pono [ARTICLE]

DBEDT money goes to Maui Mālama Pono

The Department of Business, Eeonomie Development and Tourism has given a $10,000 grant to Maui Mālama Pono, ine., that will enable the eommu-nity-based non-profit organization to revitalize taro lands in West Maui and Moloka'i. DBEDT director Mufi Hanneman presented the grant to Dana Naone Hall, president of the board of directors of the group, on June 21. The grant will fund a video documentary on taro cultivation as a viable eeonomie activity and will include cov-

erage of community eeonomie development as a way to enhanee community culture, and alternative financing structure to support taro cultivation. "As with other grants under DBEDT's Community-Based Eeonomie Development program, this grant will help the community grow and diversify in a manner consistent with community values," Hannemann said. Hall said, "We see taro growing as something that fits with communities in Hawai'i. It maintains the lifestyle and cultural identity of Hawai'i.

For small communities, taro makes sense-it encourages small eeonomie development opportunities on different islands." The DBEDT grant will be used to obtain matching funds from other community organizations and foundations, including the Hawai'i Community Foundation. Plans eall for the video to be distributed and used by various rural communitybased groups to help organize families into agribusiness cooperatives and to develop taro-based businesses.