Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 April 1994 — Mamala-Maliikapu [ARTICLE]
All family members of the Mamala-Maliikapu 'ohana are invited to a family reunion eamp out on Memorial Day Weekend, May 27-30 at Sand Island State Park. Activities will include 'ohana history, 'ohana land areas, genealogy, Hawaiian arts and crafts, lei-making, flower
arrangements, a jam session, and sovereignty issues discussion. Members are asked to bring their own tents, good, genealogical records, family pictures, guitars and 'ukulele, kapa patterns, special family recipes and 'ohana "hana budda days" stories. For more information, eall Poni Wolfe at 8470804 (messages only).