Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 7, 1 July 1994 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OHA Board Business

Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai

by JefT Clark Reporter/Editor

The OHA Board convened at 10:07 a.m. Tuesday, June 7 at Tex Drive Inn in Honoka'a on the island of Hawai'i. All trustees were present except for Trustee Moses K. Keale, who was excused. After Trustee Moanike'ala Akaka gave the opening pule, the agenda was approved. The minutes for the May 4 BOT meeting were approved, as were the chairman's and administrator's correspondence reports. Trustee Klna'u Boyd Kamali'i, chairperson of the Land and Sovereignty CQmmittee, introduced and premiered the video on sovereignty produced by Juniroa Productions for OHA's land and natural resources division. The video describes three general models for sovereignty and was well received by the trustees and members of the community. Community concerns Several speakers took tlie floor during the "Community Concerns" portion of the meeting, among them Dan Kaniho, president of the Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders' Association, who told the trustees of the association's eeonomie development efforts. The association has laid 12,000 feet of water pipe and planned to lay an additional 4,500 feet on July 4. He asked for OHA's assistance in forming a not-for-profit organization, in making available water storage tanks and pumps, in initiating a self-help housing project, installing emergency 91 1 eall boxes for fire protection, and developing a community center as well as playgrounds and bus shelters. Chairman Clayton Hee said OHA housing officer Stephen Morse has been working with Kaniho and would help prioritize and develop costs of the items discussed. Budget, Finance and Policy The board voted 7-1, Akana voting no, to provide $12,000 to reconfigure and add eight legs to the table in the conference room of the OHA office at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd. in Honolulu. The board passed (8-0) a resolution recognizing the Hansen's Disease patients isolated at Kalawao and Kalaupapa on the north shore of Moloka'i. The resolution requests that the National

Park Service join in partnership with OHA in the design and mounting of a plaque honoring the thousands of people sent to Kalaupapa since 1866. The board voted to fund Kūkulu Kumuhana, a summer Hawaiian cultural immersion program conducted on the island of Hawai'i by Kumukahi, a group of eight young Hawaiian teachers. The program will allow 27 Hawaiian schoolchildren to participate in activities such as taro farming. Students will be selected statewide. The board appropriated $13,502 to provide honoraria for kūpuna and mākua, and support for obtaining supplies, transportation and educational materials. The vote was 70, with Trustee DeSoto abstaining. Land and Sovereignty Land and Sovereignty Committee chairperson Klna'u Boyd Kamali'i, who is a member of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission, reported that the commission was to hold a series of statewide lectures and community meetings during the summer. The board voted (8-0) to formally oppose the development of a spaceport at Ka'ū "because it will cause irreparable harm to the people, life and land of Hawai'i." The state was expected to release a final environmental impact statement in June, even though the state Legislature failed to continue funding for the spaceport project. The board approved (8-0) the filing of a motion for reconsideration on behalf of OHA to the Second Circuit Court regarding the Ka'eo award in the Pioneer Mill Case. In the settlement of a quiet title case regarding a large pieee of land in Lahaina, Maui, a claimant whose documentation showed a one-sixth interest in one of the shares was awarded the whole interest; OHA will ask the court to award the five-sixths interest to OHA on behalf of its beneficiaries. sfe a|e sfe a)e afe The next regular board meeting was scheduled for June 24 in Kahului, Maui. The subsequent meeting is scheduled for July 29 on the island of Kaua'i.