Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 10, 1 October 1994 — OHA announces grant awards [ARTICLE]
OHA announces grant awards
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is awarding a total of $1,061,926.40 for 31 projects submitted to OHA for review under its Grants. Subsidies and Purchase of Services Prograrns. The applicants were required to show partial funding from other sources. The proposals were reviewed by panels of experts in the field, eommunity members. and OHA staff prior to approval by the Board of Trustees. Prime considerations in the review were the ability to meet OHA goals and objectives, quality of the work proposed. cost-effec-tiveness, and likelihood of success. The OHA Board of Trustees approved the awards at its regular business meeting Sept. 15. The most recent deadline for applying for the program was Sept. 30; OHA is now accepting grant applications in a new application cycle that will end April 28, 1995. To receive a grants applieahon packet, eall OHA's planning division at 594-1963. r *