Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 December 1995 — Hālau Hula O Maiki [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Hālau Hula O Maiki

In 1996, Hālau Hula O Ma'iki, the oldest forma!ly organized hālau in Hawai'i, celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding by Ma'iki Aiu Lake "the mother of the Hawaiian renaissance." A book is being written about Aunlie Ma'iki by hālau member Rita Ariyoshi former editor of "Aloha" magazine.The hālau is

asking for help to identify the dancers pictured above. Ariyoshi is also so!iciting eomments from those who knew Aunlie Ma'iki and from former students. Call tolI-free 1-800-931-0050, or write to: Hālau Hula O Ma'iki, 2600 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96826.

Do you know who these dancers are? Oall Hālau Hula O Maiki.