Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 1, 1 January 1996 — HISTORICAL INFORMATION SOUGHT FOR PORTION OF NORTH KONA, HAWAIʻI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


In July 1987, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Federal Highways Division, County of HawaPi, Hawai'i Department of Transportation, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and State Historic Preservation Division entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the proposed development of the Ali'i Highway (Ali'i Drive Realignment) in the district of North Kona, Hawai i. The project area extends between the land of Kahului lst, on the north, and the land of Keauhou, on the south (see map below). A component of the MOA requires that an oral history study be completed, "to enhanee the archaeological research associated with this project" (MOA 1987:Appendix A.II). The goal of the oral history study is to identify culturally signifīcant sites the the study areas.

If you, or someone you know, is knowledgeable about the history, tradihonal sites, or cultural resources of the following lands whieh are traversed by the project corridor: Kahului 1 & 2; Puapua'a-iki and Puapua'anui (or Puapua'a 1 & 2); Hōlualoa 1-4; Kaumalumalu; Pāhoehoe 1-3; La'aloa 1-2; Kāpala'alaea 1 & 2; Kahalu'u; and Keauhou, please contact Kepā Maly, Cultural Resources Specialist-Oral Historian, at (808) 969-1763 or 959-6829, or Mrs. Ruby McDonald, West Hawai'i Ē| Liaison, Office of Hawaiian AfTairs (808) 329-7368. [ ™ T l3i