Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 8, 1 August 1996 — OHA Update [ARTICLE]

OHA Update

Native Hawaiian Education CounciI

OHA's education division is assisting in the creation of the Native Hawaiian Education Council cmd is looking for eommunity assistance to help bring this about. The Council was established through the Native Hawaiian Education Act under the .1 Improving America's School's Act of 1994. Its purpose is to coordinate educational and related services brought about by the Native Hawaiian Education Act and assess the extent to whieh such services and programs meet the needs of native

Hawaiians. It also is responsible for providing direction and guidance, through the issuance of reports and recommendations, to appropriate federal, state, and loeal agencies to focus and improve the resources for native Hawaiian education. The Native Hawaiian Education Council is limited to 25 members of whieh three

fourths must be native Hawaiian. Eaeh term is for three years. Five of the seats are designated for eaeh island eouneil. These seats will represent the Big Island, Maui and Lāna'i, Moloka'i, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau, and O'ahu. The island councils will consist of parents, students and other community members who have an interest in the edu-

cation of native Hawaiians and will be representative of the educational needs of all age groups. Councils will be formed this summer. Those wishing to assist in their island eouneil formation should contact OHA's education division at 594-1912.