Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 9, 1 September 1996 — HE MAU HANANA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


a Calendar o J E v e n t s

Kepakemapa September Sept. 2 — 158th Anniversary of Queen Lili'uokalani's Birth, the tribute will be held on the grounds of the Royal Mausoleum, Mauna'ala, 2261 Nu'uanu Avenue at 10 a.m. For more mformation eall Bill Mai'oho 536-7602 or the Queen Lili'uokalani Trust 8471302. September 6, 7 and 8 — Native Hawaiian Language Speakers

Conference, native speakers, "manaleo," are the keepers of memories and a unique and genuine form of the Hawaiian language. The conference will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, at the Hawai'i Prince Hotel. For more information eall Kalani Akana at (808)528-5453or (808) 456-1747. Sept. 10 — After Dark in the Park walks, Tracking the History of Hilo's Railroads. Railroads died out by 1950's due, in no small part, to the 1946 tsunami. Hilo

harbormaster Ian Birnie will present a slide program on this little known aspect of Big Island history. Using many previously unpublished photographs, his talk will feature the history of the Hawai'i Consolidated Railway that served Hilo, Hāmākua and Puna. After Dark in the Park is free and open to the public. lt starts at 7 p.m. at the Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium at Hawai'i Volcanoes Naūonal Park. For more information eall (808)967-7184. Sept. 17 — After Dark in the

Park waIk&rtfe@|5oMfawai'i. In traditional &wai^^tailture, fems were used ror food, niplieine, basketry, muleh, dy# thatching, adomment and religious offerings. "Fems of Hawai'i" author Kathy Valier will present a slide program on identifying the lovely ferns flourishing in the islands' moist tropical climate. After Dark in the Park is free and open to the publie, Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium at Hawai'i Volcanoes Nahonal Park. For more information eall (808)967-7184. Sept. 18 — "Brown Bagging to Conversational Hawaiian: A language awareness and conversational class for the busy person." Classes meet in the old Archives, on the Waikīkī side of the 'Iolani Palaee grounds, on Wednesdays at 1 la.m. and noon for beginning students (with an exception of hol- •

idays). Fee is $5 eaeh session at the beginning of eaeh month The first day of class for the beginning section is Wednesday, Sept. 18. For more information eall Cindy at 522-0822. September 20-28 — 12th Annual Kaua'i Mokihana Festival a week-long festival filled with events like hula eompetitions, the Kaua'i Composers Contest and Concert and the various folk art workshops plus mueh more. For more information on the Mokihana Festival and events eall Nathan Kalama at (808) 822-2166 or Lee Mentley at (808) 822-0426. Every Tuesday — Kama'ilio, Talk story in Hawaiian, at Ala Moana Park, 'Ewa side of Magic Island parking lot under the wiliwili trees from 3:30 pm to sunset. It's educational and free.