Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 9, 1 September 1998 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]


Voting in the September 19 primary election. When filling out the ballots: ^ Check both sides carefully and read the instructions. § When you find the candidate you want to vote for, simply fill m the oval on the right side of that candidate's name. ^ When you are finished, insert completed ballot in to the secrecy sleeve provided. ^ Go to the precinct counter and insert into the counter. ^ lf the ballot is properly filled out, the precinct counter will accept the ballot. ^ If the ballot is filled out incorrecdy the precinct counter will give the voter the opūon to instmct it to either "accept" the ballot or "reject" the ballot. If you instmct the precinct counter to "reject" the ballot, it will retum the ballot and you ean review and make corrections.

lf you have not registered to vote there is still time to register. The deadlines are Aug 20. for Primary Election and Oct. 5 for General Eleelion The County Clerk is accepting applications for ballots July 24 - Sept. 12. The deadline to file OHA candidacy papers is 4:30 p.m. Sept. 4. For more information on registering, voting and running for office, please eall 1-800-442-8683. A message from Office of Hawaiian Affairs Workingfor a better Hawai'i


Sept. 5 Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stall 7202 Sec. 14D Sept. 26 Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stall 7202 Sec. 14D

Sept. 12 Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stal 7202 Sec. 14D JĒĒ Oct. 2 Windward Mall Wīi^āKmm*» — ^

Sept. 13 Ho'olaule'a, Kapolei Regional Park ! : Oct. 3 : Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stall7202Sec. 14D

Sept. 19 Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, Stall 7202 Sec. 14D Oct. 5 Windward Mall x y.A¥--M - > ; ■