Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 10, 1 October 1999 — BURIAL NOTICE [ARTICLE]


LAND OF UKUMEHAME (TMK 4-8-02:09), DISTRICT OF LAHAINA, ISLAND OF MAUI. NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that human skeletal (burial) remains have been reported for the Lindsey family plot and both the Hiki'i and Ukumehame heiau(s). and it is possible that other cultural/historical sites on the property may contain burial remains. Land Commission Awards (LCA) in the ahupua'a include: LCA 310, Pikanele; LCA 3702/5410, David Malo; LCA 5380, Hulu; LCA 5387, Hinau; LCA 6480, Keawe; LCA 6709, Popolo; LCA 6727B, Pahaula; LCA 6751, Alai/Aloi; LCA 6758, S. Golia; LCA 7779, Kaleleiki; LCA 8191, Hilo; LCA 8559/8559B, C. Kanaina; LCA 8623, Kamakakehau; LCA 8795, Kolou/Kulou; and LCA 10206, Makuaole/Mauikuaole. Persons having any knowledge of known and unknown burial remains are asked to contact Mr. Ka'iana Markell of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Division, Kākuhihewa Building, #56, 601 Kamōkila Blvd. Kapolei, HI. 96707. Fax (808) 6928020; telephone (808) 587-0010. T reatment of burial remains shall occur in accordance with Section 6E 43 HRS. Individuals responding must be able to adequately demonstrate family connection to human remains or to the ahupua'a of Ukumehame. Responses to be received within 30 days of publication. ■