Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1999 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]


Kahiona — E nā lehulehu o tupuna Maheau Kahiona, e ho'i hou kākou. Descendants of Maheau Kahiona are planning a reunion for July, 2000, in Kona. 'Ohana includes the descendants of Minnie Kalua Nailima, Emma Kealoha, Sarah Kekai Requilman and perhaps others we are not aware of . Also invited are descendants of Maheau Kahiona's siblilngs: Maikunu, Maihui, Kalea and Noa. For information, eall Lucy (Yniques-Nailima) Meyer, P.o Box 365, Laupāhoehoe, HI 96764, 962-6166; Clara (Nailima) Yniques, 883-0723 (Hawai'i); Judy (Yniqes nailima) Siazon, 625-1082 (O'ahu); Reno Kapo (Mercado-Kealoha) Villaren, 941-4266 (O'ahu); Larson (Kealoha) Mondina, 637-9626 (O'ahu). Kahunanui/ Maihui — The descendants of Paul Kahunanui and Elizabeth K. Maihui of Kaupō, Maui, are planning a reunion, Sept. 22 - 24, 2000. Contact Harry Kahunaui, president of the reuinion committee, at (808) 878-3420; and Boyd Mossman, recorder, at (808) 244-2121. We will more than happy to send you past minutes and updade the 'ohana on what's being done and what need to be done. Aloha kākou. Hope to see you all there Keohokalole / Kapaakea Kamanawa — A reunion for the descendants of this family is being planned to meet and share valuable informahon. Aikanaka was the father of Keohokalole and Keliiuela who were half-sisters. Keohokalole married Kapaakea Kamanawa and had Liliu, Kaiminaauao, Kawekiulani, Likelike, Kapiolani, Anna Kaiulani, Kalakaua, Leleiohoku and Kaliokalani James. Kapaakea Kamanawa also married Kaewaaiku and had Keakualiilii and Kanaloa (k). Kanaloa married Kamaka and had Nawaakoah. Kanaloa aslo married Kaiwiohao and had Kaahpaku and Malia. Kaahupaku married Kealoha and had Kahiona (w), Maha and Keawe (k). Keawe married Makahiapo and had Kamakiwa I, Kamoku, Kilo and Kamakaiwa n. Kahiona married Kamakahukilani and had Gabriel Hukilani whose wife was Meleana Pookalani. For more information, contact Clarence A. Medeiros Jr. at 86-3672 Govt. Main Road., Capt. Cook, HI 96704, or at cam6@aloha.net Kinimaka — A reunion for the descendants of Kinimaka is being planned. Kinimaka married Mary Kanoena Gilman and had Kinimaka, Ala

and Makawao. Kinimaka then married Kaniu Haaheo and adopted Kalakaua. His third wife was Pai or Pae and had Kaniu Haaheo, David Leleo and Moses Kapaakea. David Leleo married Hannah Keolakaau and had Mary (John Atcherley), Matthias (Virginia Keawe), Rebecca (Arthur Apana), Fanny (Joseph Kunewa), and Aliee (Sam Mahuka Spencer). David Leleo then married Kanoena and had Kanoa, Heloki, Kumaku, David and Frances. David Leleo had another son, Sam Leleo, by another woman. Sam Leleo married Hannah Macy. For more information, contact Clarence A. Medeiros Jr. at 86-3672 Govt. Main Road., Capt. Cook, HI 96704, or at cam6@aloha.net Paiaina — The two branches of Nalua Paiaina of Kamoiliili and his two wives, Kaaihaha (a.k.a. Aihaha) and Paahao, are having a reunion at the King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel on May 27 and 28. Branches bear the following names: Akau, Ako, Alameida, Alcazar, Alika, Andrade, Cabiles, Camvel, Coelho, Costa, Cunningham, Domingo, Doversola, Duarte, Evangelista, Gonsalves, Haalilio, Heine, Hewlett, Hookaea, Ikalani, Irvine, Iseri, Kahele, Kalama, Kam, Kane, Kanekoa, Kaukau, Kauwenaole, Kawelo, Keanu, Kenney, Kunewa, Laa, Lau, Lewellyn, Lino, Lum, Manini, Mito, Moon Nahinu, Naluai, Nera, Nohoikaiu, Ostermiller, Paiaina, Patasil, Perry, Poe, Rapoza, Rienecke, Rieta, Saballa, Silva, Velasco and Watson. Your kōkua is needed! For information, eall Ellie Kaanaana, reunion chair, 672-3775, or write to Brenda Pimental, 105 Waimele Pl, Kula, HI 96790-9503, or Lydia Guzman, P.O. Box 271, Wai'anae, HI 96792, 696-2521 / 696-2481 (fax). Poe — Descendants of Wallaee Poe Nui are invited to attend an important planning meeting on Sunday, Nov. 7, at 3 p.m. regarding the "'Ohana Poe 2000 Reunion." For loeahon and infomation, eall Sonny Poe at (808) 696-8584, or toll-free at 1 (888) 879-5791; Gregg Meyer at (808) 395-9010; or Suzette (Kēhau) Hanohano at (808) 696-8904. ■