Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 7, 1 July 2000 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IHillOIĪ Fiscal Year to Date May 3 1 , 2000

ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY FUNDS ACCOUNT GROUPS ASSETS General funds in State accounts $ 1,237,820 Cash in State treasury/ 48,245,302 outside accounts Accounts/other receivables 1 .565,099 Notes receivable, net of allowanee for doubtful accounts of $4,306,497 ' 1 ,495,377 lnterest/dividends receivable 2,133,400 Interfund receivable 168 127 Prepaid expenses and ■ / 388,538 secunty deposits Investments 314,554,867 Land/building $1,129,242 Leasehold improvements „„ ... ,. . 538,405 Machmery, equipment, furniture, fixtures 2,195,292 Provided for payment of: • Vacation benefits/comp time off ^ • Estimated claims and judgments 482,694 • Operating lease 0,„ , . , , /6,865 rents/capital lease TOTAL ASSETS $379,788,530 $4,996,139 UABIUTIES AND FUND EQUITY Uabilities: Accounts/other payables ^ 851,410 Inter-fund payable 1 68. 1 27 Vacation benefits/ 5573 ^42 eomp. time off Operating lease rents 23,034 Estimated claims and judgments 482,694 Capital lease obligation 53,83 1 Total Liabilities $ 1,019,536 $1,133,201 Fund Equity: Investments in fixed assets $3,862,93 Fund balance • Reserved $ 16,167,059 • Designated 45,916,225 • Undesignated 3 1 6,685,709 Total Fund Equity $378,768,993 $3,862,938 TOTAL UABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $379,788,530 $ 4,996,139

REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES REVENUES State general fund appropriations $ 2,550,922 Public land trust 7,387,027 Dividend and interest ineome 10,880,541 Native Hawaiian Rights Fund 38,111 Federal and other grants 26 1 ,78 1 Newspaper ads, donations, other revenues 184.663 Non-imposed fringe benefits 128,837 Total Revenues $ 21,431,882 EXPENDITURES Current programs: • Board ofTrustees $ 3,638,297 • Administration 3,855,914 • Program Systems 4,581.188 • Hawaiian Rights 2,049,953 Capital outlay 349,037 Total Expenditures $ 14,474,387 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REV- $ 6,957,495 ENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Realized gain on sale of investments $ 29,5 1 4.87 1 Net increase (decrease) in unrealized (15,078,903) gain (loss) on investments held Lapse of cash to State General Fund (7,165) Operating inter-fund transfers in 7,915,586 Operating inter-fund transfers out (7,915,586) Total Other Financing Sources $ 14,428,803 (Uses) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REV- $ 21,386,299 ENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF $ 357,382,695 PERIOD FUND BALANCE, END OF PERiOD $ 378,768,993 Noie: Prior year appropriation expenditures have been grouped into current office restructure. The above figures are for the eleven monthsfrom July 1, 1999 through May 31, 2000. U


Mākeke Classifieds only $12.50

Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.

AFFORDABLE!! BIG ISLAND, PUNA: 3 beautiful acres, driveway, house site, trees, privacy, peaee, near Hilo, seller financing, $18,500, $250/month, easy payments!!. (FS)Call: 808-959-3153. CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE: Green Haven in Kāne'ohe, (4) plots for $6,000. If interested, eall: 808-553-3478. HILO, OLD PLANTATION FIXER-UPPER: 1772 Kaiwiki Road, 3-bdrm house, close to schools and town. $50K. Call: 808-969-3416. HOME FOR SALE, NĀNĀKULI-SERIES 7: Must have 50% Hawaiian to qualify. 4-bdrm, 2-bath, 2-car garage, fully fenced yard, solar, end lot, 7,650 sq.ft., asking $125,000, to include some fumiture and

appliances. 89,246 Waiea Pl., Wai'anae, O'ahu. Call: 808-668-6878. HOME FOR SALE, PRINCESS KAHANU ESTATES: 3-bdrm, 2-bath, single story Model B. Nicely landscaped, great location. (LH) $130,000. Danielsen Properties, 808-235-1500, 808-235-3171. HOME FOR SALE, PRINCESS KAHANU ESTATES: Upgraded 2-story, 3/2.5, den, garage, eul de sac location. (LH) $165,000. Danielsen Properties, 808-235-1500, 808-235-3171. HOUSE FOR SALE, WAI'ANAE VALLEY: Newly painted, 4-bdrm, 2-bath, 7,692 sq.ft, 140K OBO. Call: 808-696-2474 or Pager: 808-598-0107.

LEASE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: (MAUI), Wai'ōhuli residential homestead, .7 acre, lot #21, located in Kula, Maui. Best offer for lease or exchange with Kapolei Village Six lessee. Call: Frank 808-625-0592. 'OPIHIS FROM BIG ISLAND: For Graduation, weddings, political party luau's, etc. Real ono, fresh frozen, $189 - gal, $95 - 1/2 gal. Call O'ahu: 808-261-4977. PRINCESS KAHANU ESTATES: 5,400 sq.ft„ 3bdrm, 2-bath, 2-car carport, 5-appliances, ceiling fans, verticle blinds. As is. $120,000. Call: 808-668-6601.

PRINCESS KAHANU ESTATES, HOME FOR SALE: Spacious affordable, firm price, large front and back yard, eul de sac, mountain view, need not be on list, Hawaiian Homestead Lease. 3-bdrm, 2bath, 2-car garage, single story, (R) Danielsen Properties, Ine. Call: 808-235-1500 or 808-235-3171, Fax: 808-247-4260. WAIEHU KOU MAUI LOTS: Two qualified Hawaiian Homes applicants seek Waiehu Kou Maui Lots! Cash down payments available, pre-qualified for financing! Call: 808-276-5608, leave message. WILL PAY CASH: For DHHL Pu'ukapu Farms area. Call: 808-732-6272.