Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 September 2000 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]


World Premiere Cast - Tokyo DisneySea . THIS flMAZING NEW THEME PflRK, OPENING IN 2001, WILL SHOWCflSE fl N INCREDIBLE fl RR AY OF LIVE E NTE RTOINMENT.0VER 200 SINGERS, D fl N C E R S , flCTORS, MUSICAL THEATRE PERFORMERS, A CRO B flTS , A N D fl E R I fl LI STS CflN S H fl R E THIS UNIQUE EXPERIENCE. THOSE CflST TO PERFORM 0T THE TOKYO DISNEY RESORT RECEIVE EXCELLENT SflLflRIES, ROUND-TRIP AIRFflRE , OCCOMMODflTIONS, AND PER D I E M . REQUIREMENTS: All applicants must be at least age 18, and willing to relocate to Tokyo, Japan for the duration of their contract. Please bring a r>on-returnable photo and resume. All auditions begin at the times listed. Please arrive early to register. FACE CHARACTERS: Bring to life heroes and heroines from classic Disney animated features. Ptease be prepared to leam a movement combination. DANCERS: Should be strong in ballet and jazz. Some roles require tap, modern dance. or vocal ability. Gymnastic skills are a plus. Dancers with lift/partnering/adagio experience are also needed. Please wear appropriate dance attire/shoes, and be warmed up and ready to begin at the listed time. MUSICAL THEATRE PERFORMERS: Please prepare a one-minute comedic monologue plus one vocal selection (16 bars). PRINCIPAL SINGERS: All voice parts. Please prepare two vocal selections of contrasting styles (best 16 bars of eaeh ). For all vocal auditions an accompanist will be provided, and you should provide sheet music in the correct key. IMPROV ACTORS: These roles require broad physical comedy. Please prepare a short comedic monologue that shows off your ability. MUSIdANS: Percussionists (Jammitors) will be asked to improvise and may be taught a percussion routine. Bagpipers and Ragtime Pianists should prepare a short, varied demonstration of style and abilrty. ACR06ATS/GYMNASTS/TUMBLERS/AERlALiSTS/RHYTHMIC GYMNASTS: These roles require upper body strength. Basic gymnastic skills required are dive rolls, front and back handsprings, cartwheels, standing back flips, somersaults, and handstands. You may be asked to demonstrate proficiency on the following apparatus: rings. high bar, and rope, or in rhythmic gymnastics. Some roles require dimbing, aerial work and the ability to perform at heights. Many roles require the ability to perform in and around water as well as near fire and special effects.