Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 September 2000 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Mahalo ia 'oukou apau Mahalo to everyone who offered mana'o, time, and talents to the singular objective of creating a strategic plan that will guide the future of Kamehameha Schools' educational mission. Phase III Update In Phase III of Kamehameha's strategic planning process - June 1 through August 31, | 2000 - the broad spectrum of community input and data collection from Phase II had been distilled into a Draft Strategic Plan. That draft was then taken back to the community for feedback. • The Draft Strategic Plan - together with a Stakeholder Survey form - was mailed to 15,500 members of the Kamehameha 'ohana. • Copies of the Draft Strategic Plan were distributed at every community presentation. • Forty-five follow-up community presentations on the Draft Strategic Plan were held at sites from Waimea, Kaua'i to Washington D.C. Survey Results • Fifty-two percent of survey respondents strongly agreed - and an additional 40 percent agreed - that the plan elements are appropriate to Kamehameha and that they address significant needs within the Hawaiian community. Next Steps • All Phase III community feedback - from community meeting commentary to Stakeholder Survey results - is being processed into a Final Strategic Plan. • By mid-September, the Final Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board of Trustees. • In October, the Final Strategic Plan will be submitted to the Probate Court. • Implementation. Onee completed, copies of Kamehameha Schools' Final Strategic Plan will be sent to the KS 'Ohana and to all who participated in the Strategic Planning Process. Copies will also be made available to the general public. And, you'll soon find it on our Website at http://www.ksbe.edu/stratplan. Again, to all whose efforts helped forge this plan we say "Mahalo iā 'oukou āpau." kamehameha schools Founded and Endowed by the Legacy of Princess Bemice Pauahi Bishop

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