Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 2, 1 February 2002 — RECENT RELEASES BY HAWAIIAN ARTISTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Friv Feb. 1 5-Sunv Feb. 17 — Great Aloha Run Health and Fitness Expo Find ways to encourage a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness along with discovering new products and services, Enjoy demonstrations, fun contest and sponsor prize give-aways at this annual event, NBC Exhibition Hall. 4-10 p.m. (Fri.); 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (Sat,); and 10 a,m,-5 p.m. (Sun). No entry fee for registered Great Aloha Run participants, For information, eall 945-3594 or 528-7388.

Monv Feb. 1 8 — 18th Annual Great Aloha Run Hawai'i's largest participatory event raising funds annually for numerous loeal charities, encouraging a healthy lifestyle,

promoting physical fitness and bringing people from all over the world together, This 8,15 mile run/walk

starts at Aloha Tower in downtown Honolulu and ends in Aloha Stadium. Entertainment along the route, For registration ,

information, eall Alan Y. Sunio at 528-7388 . Friv Feb. 22-Sun, Feb. 24 — Tahiti Fete of Hilo This third annual Hilo Tahiti Fēte is a Tahitian dance competition extravaganza. Known as the Merrie Monarch of Tahitian Dance, this event features over 25 Polynesian dance companies from all over Hawai'i, Tahiti, Japan and the mainland United States. Polynesian craft vendors and ethnic foods will be on hand. Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium.

Tickets are $10/day or $25 for a Weekend Pass. Join us in this very colorful and electrifying dance eompetition. For information, eall Pua Tokumoto at 808-935-3002. Satv Feb. 23 — y/An Evening in Paradise" Kumu Hula Beverly Muraoka and Healani's Hula Hālau present their annual spectacular, this year honoring Victor and Ku'ulei Pūnua. Entertainment includes Aunty Genoa Keawe and Rohotu. No-host cocktails and dinner.5:30

p.m. Smith's Tropical Paradise Gardens, Wailua, Kaua'i. $25

donation. For information and tickets eall j k Healani's Hula ^

Halau and Music Academy at 808Hula Hālau and Academy, 822-1451. Fri ., Feb. 1-Sunv Feb. 10 — "To the Last Hawaiian Soldier" Kumu Kahua presents Sean 0'Malley's tribute to Robert Wilcox who led the revolution to restore the Hawaiian govemment after the overthrow of Lili'uokalani. Specific show dates are Feb. 1,27-0. 8 p.m. Sunday, 2 p.m. Kumu Kahua Theatre, 46 Merchant St., Honolulu. $16 general admission. Discounts for kūpuna and students. For tickets, eall 536-4441.H

Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian ^ community, Fund-raisers, benefit I concerts, cultural acti\ities, sports I events and the like are what we'd I like to help you promote, Send I information and color photos to W Ka Wai Oia o OHA ī 711 Kapi'olani Blvd„ Ste. 500 Honolulu, HI 96813-5249

Genoa Keawe: "Genoa Keawe Songs Lū'au Hulas" — Another Aunty Genoci clcissic is now on CD, Fcivorite hulei tunes ineluele "Holo E Poe," "I kei Po rne ke Ao" einel "I Ali'i nō 'Oe," Proclucecl einel re-relecisecl by Hulo Recorcls,

Sean Na'auao: "Holomua" and "Progression" — Two simultaneous releases by Na'auao illustrate his strengths as a musician, composer, producer and businessman. First, "Holomua" is a traditional Hawaiian album with classics like "Aloha 'Oe," as well as new material. "Nāu nō Ku'u Aloha," a duet with Lorna Lim, is a standout, with a romantic, moonlit beach scenario and an intectious guitar theme. "Progression" is Holomua's contemporary twin with great new tunes like "Progression" and "Drunkman's Curse." Produced by Poi Pounder records.

'Opihi Pickers: "Beginnings" — In their second release, Kevin Okimoto, Shawn lshimoto, Hōkū Gorzo, Imuo Garza and Kahale Morales present originals like "Guilty" and "Haleakalō." Imua's vocals and piano are great. Produced by Imua Garza and Brett Ortone.