Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 March 2002 — ARC Housing [ARTICLE]

ARC Housing

Adults with mental retardation have an opportunity to obtain housing in 24~hour group or semi~ independent living arrangements in various communities on O'ahu aud Kaua'i, TheARC in Hawai'i, anon~profit organization whieh advocates for and provides services to people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities and their families, is currently receiving applications and updating its waiting list for homes and apart~ ments, Since 1954, ARC has provided community~based programs that encourage and support their clients in developing their fullest potential, It currently assists over 270 individ~ uals through day and residential services, ARC guidelines comply with the fair housing staudards of the U,S, Department of Housing aud Urban Development (HUD), Apply directly at The ARC office

at 3989 Diamond Head Rd. For more information, eall Allison Tauaka at 737-7995 ext. 19 on or 800-694-8882 or <info@thearcinhawaii,org>.