Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 1, 1 January 2003 — LEKA Kālele [ARTICLE]

LEKA Kālele

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Are you in or out of the box? As Kanaka Maoli, we need to exercise our mana'o, our mana, 'uhane, 'ike and that what breathes in us from our ancestors, 'ike hānau; that instinct of knowing what is and what is not pono. We have been living for a very long time benevolently accepting what is, without hindsight as to what is to become of us. However, our ancestors knew by inking their names on the Kū'ē Petition and set the foundation and justification for us to continue the protest of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Throughout the years, we have always been faced with obstacles. WHY? As an advocate for justice and truth, allow me to say this: where knowledge is power and when its foundation is based on the facts and the truth, only then through education will justice prevail where truth bears no fear; because there are no new truths. The truth is and always has been and always will be. No one ean either add or take away from the truth. By understanding this, many questions will follow and

must be answered truthfully. First question: who are you? Do you know who you are? Do you know where you are? Who is the father of your country? Mālama this question because your answer will either keep you in or out of the box. All trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs are deeply embedded in that box and you will know who you are when you aeeepl the tmith. When they raise their right hand they swear to uphold the United States Constitution. These individuals cannot do for us to regain our "inherent sovereignty" and "independence" because the mere truth is the Constitution was never ever created for us the Kanaka Maoli and it is also in that BOX. Are you in or out of the box? Just remember all truths are universal. Resolve your disputes with love and understanding. Kanohowailuku Koko Kalihi, O'ahu