Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 12, 1 December 2003 — Burial Notice [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Burial Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT five burial sites are located 011 a Hawai'i Island land parcel, owned by Lanihau Properties, LLC, that lies within the North Kona ahupua'a of Honokohau Nui and Honokohau Iki (TMK 7-4-08:13 and 7-4-08:30). The land covers 337 acres between Queen Ka'ahumanu Highway on the wcst (makai), thc Kaloko Industrial area on the north, pasture on the east (mauka), and a variety of developed parcel s on the south. Rescarch has not identified any land records indicating kuleana parcels, grant.s, or house lots wilhin or immediately adjacent to the property. However, based on other sources, individuals who are known to have cultural association with the general area have been contacted directly. Proper treatment of the burials shall occur in accordance with Chaptcr 6E, 1 1 R S . regarding unmarked burial sites. A B urial Treatment P'lan is being prepared by īnternational Archaeological Research Institute, Ine. Although all known burials are intcndcd to be preserved in plaee, final decisions regarding burials and whether to preserve in plaee or disinter and relocate huinan remains shall be made by the Hawai'i Island Burial Council.
The Hawai'i Island Burial Council requests that. descendants of those who onee lived in t.he aforementioned ahupua'a and who may have knowledge regarding these remains or others in t.he area t.o immediately cont.act.Mary Perzinski (808) 587-0040 and/or Kana'i Kapeliela (808) 692-8037 of the State Historic Prescrvation Division on O'ahu within 30 days of this noliee to present information regarding appropriate treatment of the human remains. Responding individuals must be able to adequately demonstratc a family connection to thc burial or to t.he ahupua'a of Honokohau Nui and/or Honokohau Iki, or adequately demonstrate descent from ancest.ors buried in the ahupua'a of Honokohau Nui and/or Honokohau Iki or the district of Kona where t.he graves are locat.ed. The following 'ohana made claims in the 1 800s to lands of Honokohau Nui and/or Honokohau Iki: Ahu; Apuni; Huhie; Ikiiki; Inoaole; Kahanu; Kahaulewahine; Kaihe; Kailiino; Kaiona; Kamakawiwoole; Kamanawa; Kamohai; Kanae; Kapulehu; Kapuni; Kekipi; Kekuanaoa; Keoki; Kuawaa; Kukalohe; Lanai; Leleiohoku; Lunalilo; Nahina; Nuhi; Polapola; Puhihale; Wilikoki.