Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 9, 1 September 2004 — Lomilomi [ARTICLE]
For the first time in Honolulu, a lomilomi workshop is being offered that will fulfill initial state requirements toward a massage license. Starting in September, Hands
Toward Heaven Lomilomi Center is presenting Foundations in Lomilomi, a 150-hour basic massage program designed to enhanee the loeal community's knowledge of this native healing art, while simultaneously preparing students for a career in massage therapy. Students will receive comprehensive instruction, above and beyond state requirements, in basic anatomy, physiology and gyNoelani Bennett, director of the workshop, said that this is the first massage licensure preparation program in Honolulu to focus primarily on traditional massage rather than Western models, such as the popular Swedish techniques. Bennett, the daughter of singer Emma Veary and granddaughter of spiritual healer Nana Veary, also owns and operates Hands Toward Heaven. She began her formal training 25 years ago under the tutelage of lomilomi master Auntie Margaret Machado and started teaching over a decade ago. Classes run from Sept. 20Dec. 20 and are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 6-10 p.m. at Hands Toward Heaven, 2065 S. King St. #301. Tuition is $1,800. A deposit of $150 is required to reserve a plaee. For more information, eall Hands Toward Heaven at 947-5003. ■