Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 6, 1 June 2005 — College prep [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

College prep

A new program that aims to prepare 500 Native Hawaiian students to enter and succeed in college will be accepting applicants from grades 7-11 until July 31. The nonprofit organization College Connections Hawai'i (CCH) administers the five-year program, called the Native Hawaiian Scholars Program. CCH was founded in 1999 to improve educational opportunities for Hawai'i's people and has since grown into the state's largest tutoring organization, serving some 1,000 low-ineome students eaeh year. To be eligible for the Native Hawaiian program, students must attend a puhlie school (charter schools included) in Hawai'i and be in a graduating class between 2006 and 2010, and must be able to prove their Hawaiian ancestry. The program is free to students and families, but does require a fiveyear commitment and participation in service to the Hawaiian eommunity. Funding for the program comes from OHA, Lumina Foundation, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and others. Application forms are available online at www.collegeconnections.org/nhsp.html. For information, eall the CCH office at 7378955 (O'ahu) or 866-233-0777 (neighbor islands).

Likeke BelL noted "pu kani," at 'lolani Palaee. Photo: KWO archive