Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 3, 1 March 2007 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kamehameha Schools is pleased to offer the following post-high scholarships for the 2007-2008 academicyear:
'lmi Na'auao Merit-bosed scholarship Eligibility requirements: • Hawai'i resident • Full-time, classified student pursuing a first post-baccalaureate degree • Eam a bachelors degree by spring 2007 Application and required documents for 'imi Na'auao must be postmarked byMarch 15, 2007.
Nā Ho'okama a Pauahi Need-based scholarship Eligibility requirements: • Hawai'i resident • Full-time, classified student pursuing a bachelors or post-baccalaureate degree •Havefinancial need To apply, complete a College Scholarship Service (CSS) hnaneial aid Profile at www.collegeboard.com/profile. CSS/Profiie must be compieted oniine byAprii 20, 2007; required documents for Nā Ho'okama a Pauahi must be postmarked byApril 20, 2007 & sent to the Coiiege Board lnstitutional Documentation Service.
' KS scholarship recipient Miehelle J Rose, a Honolulu I Community College student.
Kamehameha Schools