Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 12, 1 December 2007 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ŪHA CŪMMUNITY GRANTS PRŪGRAM The ūfficĒ ūf Hawaiian Affairs (ŪHA) Cūmmunity Grants Pmgram assists ūrganizatiūns tū addrEss the ūeecIs ūf the Hawaiian cūmmunity. Grant awards nf up tn $100,000 will be made tn suppnrt prngrams whieh address areas nf Educatinn, Heahh, Human Se™ces, NativE Rights, Land, CulturE, Hnusing, Eennnmie DEVElūpmEnt, GnvErnancE, Cnmmunity DEVElnpmEūt and Capacity Building. Tn be EligiblE fnr funding: ■ Have IRS tax-EXEmpt nnn-prūfit status (npErating in the State nf Hawai'i) nr be a gnvErnmEnt agEncy; ■ PrapnsE a prnjEct nr prngram whieh bEūEfits Native Hawaiians individually nr as a grnup; and ■ Prūvide a pErcEntagE ūf tntal prnjEct cnst StatEwide wnrkshnps will be held frnm January thrnugh April 2008. All applicants must attend an DHA Grants Wnrkshnp nr mEEt with Grants Prngram staff within 12 mnnths prinrtn applicatinn dBadline. Fnr gEūEral infnrmatiūn nr tū register fnr a wnrkshnp, plEasE eall BnnniE Keopuhiwa at (808) 594-1972. Applicatinns acceptEd frnm April I, 2008 thrnugh June 30, 2008. Grant guidelines and applicatinns will be available at www.ūha.nrg
ūfficE ūf Hawaiian Affairs 711 Kapi'olani BoulEvard, SuitE 125Ū Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5249 www.oha.Drg