Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 2, 1 February 2008 — AKANA STANDS STRONG AFTER RUBIN'S SUCKER PUNCH [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



• Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean explain in detail, the expenses for leeal advice from attorneys who have not been able to denver in any success in moving federal leeislation forward. • Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean justify why there was no evaluation done on their performance, before extending their contract for the past three years? • Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean justify all of the millions of trust dollars spent on our Kau Inoa registration done on the mainland where OHA spent money on nonprofit groups and others to sign up people, and paid for eaeh person they signea-up. Because there has been no accurate account distrihuted to OHA trustees who have requested this information. estimated to be about $10.00 a signature for mainlana registrations, whieh cannot possiblyjustifythe millions of dollars that we have spent trying to collect those signatures. • Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean explain why for the past two years, more effort has been spent getting signatures on the continent instead of focusing on Hawai'i, where 80% of the Hawaiian population reside.

• Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean explain why Haunani Apoliona's sister has been put in charge of the mainland registrations and flying first class eaen time. • Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean explain how Chairperson Apoliona's sister received a charge card from OHA and accumulated $10,000 in charges before the card was taken away. • Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean explain, how when the charge card was taken away from tne Chair's sister, she continued to charge expenses for travel, receptions and various other charges on her personal charge account, then was allowed to submit for reimbursement for those charges, even though in some instances she had no receipts. • Perhaps Mrs. Rubin ean explain why this employee was not fired for these egregious actions. If she were not the Chair's sister, woula she have been fired? IF Mrs. Rubin wants positive things to occur at OHA in 2008, she needs to begin with addressing some of the pressing internal issues and be honest in her assessment and not blinded by conflicts of interest.