Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 2, 1 February 2008 — Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

Kamehameha Schools

Kamehameha Schools in 2007 awarded $4.4 million in scholarships for youngsters to attend community preschools and $16.4 million in post-high school scholarships in the second year of its Education Strategic Plan. The institution spent a total of $250 million to serve the education needs of

more than 35,000 Native Hawaiian families and ehikken. This represents a 27 percent increase in education spending over the previous fiscal year. School officials also said the plan has helped the institution to reach more Native Hawaiians than ever before and fulfill its mission as a private, educational and charitable trust founded by the legacy of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The strategic plan is designed to create long-tenn change for Native Hawaiians of all ages through education. Under the plan, whieh stretches to 2015, Kamehameha has collaborated with service organizations to serve keiki statewide, particularly in predominantly Hawaiian communities.