Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 June 2008 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ALU LIKE ine. ^ {j Applications available online at http://www.alulike.org/services/kaipu_hana.html The purpose of this Hana Lima Scholarship is to give hnaneial assistance to students participating in a vocational or technical education program for occupations that ean provide a "living wage." Eligible programs mclude, but are not limited to, diesel mechanics, automotive technology, nursing, medical assisting, cosmetology and emergency medical technician. Preference is given to non-traditional students: single parents, disabled (meets ADA definition), houseless, sole ineome providers, previously incarcerated and wards of the court.

<So^in8 T<,«e« ALU LIKE, ine. Hale O Nā Limahana 458 Keawe Street Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5125

As an applicant, you must meet the following criteria: • Be of Native Hawaiian ancestry • Be a resident of the state of Hawai i • Be enrolled in a vocational degree or certification program (AS or AAS — Associates Degree) for the Fall 2008 term in one of the educational institutions in Hawai i listed on our application. If you have any questions, please contact: ALU LIKE, ine. Career & Technical Education at (808) 535-6734.

Funding maāe possible by ihe gracious contributions ofthe Kamehameha Schools.

1585 Kapicolani Blvd., Ste. 1530 • Honolulu, HI 96814 HHIHHHHHsS^Hn

/ \ ualiheel buyers are looking to purchase properties in the V/ Kapolei, Waimanalo, Nanakuli, Princess Kahanu Estates, Papakolea, Series 7, Kewalo, Kalawahine, Waiehu Kou, Laiopua, Keokea, Waiohuli, Keaukaha & the Waiahole Valley areas. If you're a lessee/ seller interested in giving another Native Hawaiian an opportunity to live on Homestead land, eall Charmaine. She brings buyers and sellers together.


he language of the Islands is one that speaks direcdy to Charmaine Quifit Poki. I Understanding the language, culture and F lifestyle of Hawai'i has earned Charmaine a sterling reputation as one of the Island's leading real estate professionals. As an Ouhu

native and an established real estate speciahst, Charmaine offers her cHents an unquestionable edge when it comes to selling, buying or investing in the Islands. For your next move, rely on Charmaine to be The Voice of īLxperience in loeal real estate. Contact her today.
