Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 10, 1 October 2008 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Community-Based Eeonomie Development Grants Program Uie OHA Commimity-Based Eeonomle Development (CBED) Grants Program will be awardlng a total of $500,000 in grants to commimity-based organizations to plan and implement siistainable eeonomie development projects tliat will serve tlie Hawaiian commimity, up to $50,000 per organization. To be eligible for fimding, and applicant must: • Have IRS tax-exempt non-prolit status (operating in tlie state of Hawai'i) or be a govemment agency; • Be a membership-based organization; • Propose a project or program tliat has a positive eeonomie impact on Native Hawaiians individiially or as a group and tliat is compatible witli the commimity's vision for eeonomie development and quality of life; • Provide matched fimding equal to 25% of OHA request (may include in-kind donations). All applicants must attend a CBED grant workshop (8 statewide) or meet with CBED Staff prior to September 30, 2008 (at least two weeks prior to the linal applieahon deadline). Applications accepted from August 1, 2008 thougli October 15, 2008. Grant guidelines and applications will be available at www.oha.org, under Programs/Economic Development/CBED. OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS For more information, to register for a workshop, or to request an applieahon, please contact Jennifer īakehana at (808) 594- 1990 or by email to jemiifert@oha. org.