Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 6, 1 June 2009 — Tyranny and iwi desecration [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Tyranny and iwi desecration

A letter to President Barack Ohama By Alika Poe Silva Aloha nō my 'ohana, remember why our kūpuna visualized, practiced and taught us that those who rule by deception are domed to fail, and that life is ka 'imi loa, the great search that involves all aspects of 'ike pono - sensitivity, perception and righteousness! And, that leadership is only respected by truth and genuine aloha, love and hving it in aehon, in how we treat the 'āina (the land), our neighbors and how we educate the unique stories of man's stored knowledge giving us the key values that intertwined in our DNA and our descriptions and eonneehon to the land of aloha, the land of righteousness, its people, Hawai'i! President Obama, we belons to it as 'ohana and it belonss

to us according to our constitutions and treaties between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America! With one executive order you ean rightfully end the "tyranny and desecration" and correct the U.S. military's oeeupahon of Hawai'i! We have been held captive since 1893 and our nation's identity and treasures are being exterminated for the U.S. Army's purposes! This violates our treaties, and you ean free our two great nations within ! And fill the world with 'Ohana-Obama-Love, enduring hope and dreams respecting life again by your hard work and freedom-pen! There are so many important reasons to save Hawai'i and our sacred treasures, yet we ean only inform you of the peril we as Hawaiian Nationals

are facing from the U.S. military and the Akaka Bill's cultural genocide! Due to our unique loeahon in the middle of the Paeihe, we are sure that the Hawaiian Kingdom, its land of Aloha and its people are the key in saving the world! "Aloha and 'Ike Pono" and the "dream of freedom is the mana" or the access "Mondi" for love, righteousness and "Iustice for All!" We, the most isolated endure for it, as a people of peaee and nonviolence. We are blessed from what we have gained in knowledge from our loeahon, and yet, many are still wanting what does not belong to them and are still learning that two wrongs will never make things right! We have so mueh in eommon in saving the planet from failure and to take us to the higher humanity level and future, whieh requires "Aloha and 'Ike Pono" in order for all nations to survive in our sacred rock eanoe together in peaee! The Hawaiian Nationals are organizing with a Petition and Pledge to our Hawaiian Kingdom for our representatives to meet with you to assist in the healing of our two great nations as our two nations' leaders agreed to do so in the past! This is what it would and ean look like, if ean consider your authority to do right for all nations to follow by your example!

We are hopeful you will consider signing it and asking your friends (leaders of nations) around the world to do the same! When you send it back to me it would confirm we are of the same DNA of true peaee and that "Aloha" ean! We eall it 'aloha 'āina, to love the land of your birth and to give back what it gave to you. To aloha and give back to it, is to make it better and leave it better for those yet to eome, therefore: PETITION OF PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND UNITY BY HAWAIIAN NATIONALS Prepared at Kūkaniloko, the piko of the Hawaiian Nation for June 21, 2009 We, the undersigned, pledge our allegiance to our Hawaiian Kingdom Nation, to its 1864 Constitution, and for whieh its existence of a free nalion under I'o, with liberty and justice for all. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka 'Āina I Ka Pono. Therefore, we, the undersigned, protest the egregious acts of war and cultural eenocide carried out by the

United States and its military on Hawaiian soil against Hawaiian Nationals and our inalienahle birthrights as Hawaiians, and, therefore, we, the undersigned, want all of our Hawaiian National Representatives to act on our behalf to protect oiu inalienable Hawaiian National Rights, Culture and Sacred National Treasures. Therefore, we the undersigned: Appeal to all Hawaiian entities representing our Hawaiian Kingdom Nation to assist us in protecting our inalienahle birthrights and national sovereignty by meeting with President Obama of the United States to demand a peaceful end to its unlawful oeeupancy and America's undeclared war against the Hawaiian People; and that

the Hawaiian Kingdom nation seeks redress to repair the damages and accomplish healing. And further request that the above Hawaiian entities: 1) Appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) demanding that the United States abide by Intemational law and honor all ratified treaties between our two sovereign nations; and applv the International law of occupation as defined in the 1907 Hague Convention. 2) Appeal for enforcement, protection and redress under hiternational law (Article 1-64 ofThe Hague Convention) and further object to the violations of our treaties and ongoing, oppressive cultural genocide, whieh adversely affects our Hawaiianborn children, our culture, national status, heahh, education and international and loeal economy. 3) Appeal to the International Court of Justice at The Hague and to all Member States of the United Nations that the United States government's undeclared act of war and prolonged unlawful military occupation of our Hawaiian Kingdom Nation be brought to an unmediate end and assist us to adjudi-

cate and terminate this illegal occupation and pillaging of our sovereign resources (Historic Monuments, gravesites, Hawaiian Naūonaī works ofart and science, including our War Memorials, and national treasures) pursuant to Article 1-56 of The Hague Convention. 4) Object to the Akaka Bill's indecent, devious and false treatment of "Hawaiian Nationals " as "Native Hawaiians," describing us as a tribe while deliberately ignoring good faith and our Hawaiian National History as a nation among nations, and our more than twenty one (21) International Treaties and Conventions, whieh identify us as Hawaiian Nationals and as an Independent State who are supposed to be protected under International law (Article 15 and others of The Hague Convention). CITIZENSHIP OF SIGNATURE PARTY: (Please plaee the following letter in front of vour signature if you are:) A. Hawaiian National (with Hawaiian Government i.dentifiealion) B. U.S. Federal "ci.ti.zen " of Hawaiian birth to the 'āina (with U.S. or State ofHawai.i. identification) C. Other (aforeign citiz,en supporti.ng this Peti.ti.on ) Signatuie PrintName Mailing Addiess Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. President Obama 'ohana, please hear our eall for "Aloha and 'Ike Pono" and do not allow the U.S. Army to destroy Hawaiian Naūonal Treasures in Mākua Valley and Līhu'e in Wai'anae Kai and Uka or anywhere in Hawai'i! If ean, be the cure and free both our nations from this painful occupation; if ean, both our nations longed to heal from this 'eha, injuries, laek of corrective actions and if ean, true leadership ean! Again, President Obama, 'Ohana and Hawaiian Nationals, the time is near, and we want to invite you to Kūkaniloko on June 21, 2009, from sunup to sundown tofurther discuss the de-occupation deliberations; bringfood if ean to celebrate reunion of our 'Ohana and our amazing leaders that will attend and consider our pono history andfuture for those yet to eome! Mahalo piha 'ohana for your genuine aloha and for giving back your kōkua. I'o lako aloha and God grant you the 'Ike Pono you need for a solid and true peaee for our sacred 'āina and keiki yet to eome. ■

Respecifully. Alika Poe Silva. Kahu Kulāiwi. Koa Mana. Kupuka'aina o Wai'anae. Mākua Wahipana, O'ahu. Hawaiian Naīional. Contact liim at alikapoesilva@yahoo.com.


Life is ka 'imi loa, the great search. - Pholo: Courtesy of Darren Ponoke, owner of Cyberwest in Makaha, Hawai'i, phone 695-9200.