Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 7, 1 July 2009 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a II submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E o/a nā mamo a Hāloa!
ADRIC - A family reunion in honor of Eva Lehua Chu Apina Adric Kahale and ,Alfred Joseph Adric is set for July 16-19, 2009, on the island of O'ahu at Pu'uiki Pavilion in Waialua. We invite all the Adrics, families of the late Arthur Makolo of Papakōlea, Ernest and ,Aonie Naeole of Maui, Manuel Flores (,Ahoy) of 'Ālewa Heights, William īda Makolo of Papakōlea, Red and Maoni Marrotte, John and Abbie Watkins to join us at the family reunion. We are searching for family members related to the above 'ohana and invite all to eome and visit. Aunty Sista, Aunty Nita, Unele Douglas and Unele Sonny will attend. E hele mai... Pamela Garza, (808) 478-4928 or mahiegarza@hotmail.com. AHUNA/PAHIA - A reunion has been planned for July 6-12, 2009, for all the descendants from the marriage of Joseph ,Ahuna and Susan Pahia. All of the descendants of Moses Hiram and the descendants of Susan Pahia's siblings. Frank Kaniku Haupu Pahia, Haddie Kaluhilama Haupu Pahia, Bishop Haupu Pahia and James Keleohano Haupu Pahia. For information, contact Donnette Kekauoha at (808) 293-5020, Robert ,Ah Puek at ahpuckr001@hawaii.rr.com, or Tamara Mo'o Ulima at tamara@ulima. eom or (808) 861-7974. ALAPA We are having a reunion for the descendants of Oliwa Alapa Jr. (born 1853 in Kekaha, Kaua'i) and his wife Emily Pahuaniani Makakao (born 1 854 in Kaupō, Maui) and their children Harvey Oliwa (8/2/1872), Moses (1874), George (1879), Ka'awa (1881), Nahinu (1883), Ana (1/22/1886), Oliwa Jr. (1888) and George Oliwa (1/15/1890). The reunion willbeheld in Punalu'u, O'ahu, Hawai'i, July 17-19, 2009. īf you are 'ohana and would like more information about our reunion, contact Nell Ava in Hawai'i (808) 721-6764, nava@hawaii.rr.com; Dawn Wasson in Hawai'i (808) 8528778, laiekupuna@yahoo.com; or Nettie Alapa Hunter in Oregon, (866) 292-4099, Alapa58@msn.com. CHANG/KUKAHIKO The 'ohana of Ying Chang, "A'ana," and Hattie Keolakai Kukahiko of Mākena are planning our third family reunion, to be held at Kokololio Beach Park in Hau'ula on the windward side of O'ahu on Saturday, July 18, 2009, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are calling on all descendants and families of John, Edward, Samuel, Robert, Ernest, David, Philip, Frank and Solomon Chang, īrene Lung, Daisy Kellet, -Aone Wilmington, Lily Malina and Dorothy Femandez to join us as we eome together to share and meet our ever-extending 'ohana. īnvitations were sent in May to the family representatives to get out to their 'ohana. We are looking to collect $15 per registered household to help defray the cost of incidentals. We will provide the 'ono food and only ask the families to bring a dessert. Please eome out and join us. Contact Kalani Wilmington at (808) 398-4257 or hw461@hawaii.rr.com, or Sharon Rickard at (808) 387-9033 or moanasharon@aol.com for information. KAAI - Samuel W. Kaai bom about 1 848 in Ho'okena, South Kona, later moved to Hāna, Maui, where he became Judge Samuel "Webster" Kaai in 1880, then moved back to Ho'okena with his new family where he spent the rest of his life. He died in 1926 and is buried at Kalahiki Cemetery, very near to Ho'okena. Descendants of Samuel William Kaai
(born aboutl848 Ho'okena, South Kona) a me Alapai, Hawai'i. Children; Julia Wahakoele Kaai marr. Daniel Bush, Louisa Kawale Elemakule Kaai marr. William Pu'unoni Kaupu. All born in Ho'okena, South Kona. Samuel W. Kaai aka Judge Samuel William "Webster" Kaai (bom about 1848 Ho'okena, South Kona) a me Katy Mileka Kahumu, Maui. Children; Dorcy Kaai, Elizabeth Kaai marr. Leong, Samuel Kaai, Katherine Kaai marr. Gabriel Kaeo, Benjamin Kaai, John Kaai, Flora Kaai mam Homer Hayes, David Kaai, Paul Kaai. Family names include; Kaai, Kauwe, Kaaua, Kaawa, Jarrett, Bush, Thompson, Kaaeamoku/Kaaimoku, Haae, Guerrero, Kelly, Kaukane, Maunahina, Kaupu, Hose, Branco, Kaleohano, Hanawahine, Domingo, Kaeo, Kawewehi, Hanohano. There are many other families connected to our 'ohana, so please eome and share stories, pictures, any information that we may add to our genealogy/family tree. "E Pili Kaua, Let's Come Together" July 2-5, Thompson's Beach House, Ho'okena Beach, where our kūpuna eome from, where many of our 'ohana still reside. Contact us for information regarding our family reunion; Melanie Thompson Moses, (808) 990-6123, tsunat @ yahoo.com, P.O. Box 288 Captain Cook, Hī 96704; or Louise Bush, (808) 567-6678, kinamakanui@hotmail.com, P.O. Box 121 Ho'olehua, Hī 96729. KAOHI - The family of Joseph Kalua Kaohi will hold a reunion July 15-18, 2009, on Kaua'i. īnformation is available on the web; Kaohiohana.com; by e-mail; kaohis001@hawaii.rr.com; or by mail; H. Kaohi, P.O. Box 1094, Kōloa, Kaua'i, Hī 96756. KARRATTI - The family of Bonaparte Ulukou (Kealoha Blake) Karratti will hold a reunion on the Big īsland of Hawai'i, July 16-19, 2009. For information, contact Lani 01sen-Chong by e-mail at lolsen@hawaii.rr.com or by mail at P.O. Box 783, Kamuela, Hī 96743. KAUAKAHI - Kapahu Kauakahi was born June 9, 1881, in Waimea, Kaua'i, and passed away Dec. 25, 1941, in Honolulu, O'ahu. His grandchildren will be having a family reunion in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 30 and 31, and ending with a lū'au on Aug. 1, 2009. We believe all Kauakahis are related and invite all to attend this reunion and to bring their genealogy and their stories to share. All questions send to; Ronnie Washington, 7000 Paradise Road, Apt. 2149, Las Vegas, NV 891 19, or send your e-mail to aulani 1 945 @ yahoo.com. LANI - īn preparation for the July 12, 2009, reunion of Solomon/David Lani (Kuka'ilani), Lilia/Lydia Pahu and Esther Kuka'ilani, archived history will be greatly appreciated. Descendants of Gabriel Elia Lani Sr. and Mary Santos Rita are requesting family members to update family history. īnformation may be emailed to rsmryho@yahoo.com (Rosemary Lani, daughter of Samuel Gabriel and Rose Hiwalu (Loa) Lani Sr.) or to aheinig@ verizon.net (Arlyne Heinig, daughter of Aliee Kilo Lani and Hipolito Acasio). There are some family members who may not subscribe to Ka Woi Ola, please help us by sharing this information and gathering everyone. You may leave a voice message for Rosemary at (808) 426-1 1 10 and ī will get back to you. LINDSEY - The descendants of Charles Notley Kahiliaulani Lindsey and Fannie
Leialoha Kaohumu Chesebro are having a family reunion in Waimea, Kohala Hema, on July 18, 2009. Graveside remembrances will be at 10 a.m. at the Lindsey Cemetery, and the afternoon and evening celebrations will be at Miehael and Bernie Cacoulidis' residence at noon and 5 p.m. Contact Robert at (808) 9366795 or Lyndell at (808) 961-3193. MAHI - The 'ohana of Henry and Rose delaCruz Mahi Sr. will gather July 24-26, 2009, at the Keauhou Beach Resort on Hawai'i Island for aweekend to visit wahi pana (special places) dear to Grandpa Henry Mahi Sr. Activities include genealogy, kanikapila, visiting places Mahi 'ohana wereraised (Kohala, Nāpo'opo'o, Kealakekua Bay and Hōnaunau). For information and cost details, contact Tonia Mahi at tkswrs@aol.com and by phone at (808) 271-0606 or Gail Browne at gbrowne@hawaii.rr.com. 'Aukake • August 2009 COCKETT - The Cockett 'ohana on Maui are planning a reunion in August 2009. īf you would like to be included in the outpouring, send your e-mail address to one of the following; Kuulei Aganos, steph_aganos@hotmail.com; Melody Raboy, melraboy@aol.com; or Gordon C. Cockett, agcockett@gmail.com. HOSE We are having a reunion for the descendants of William Hose (about 1856) and Emma Keaopanopano Naumi Kaaipuaa (about 1860) and their ehildren (all born in Keālia, Kona); Edward (1883), Charles (1884) and John (about 1891). William and Emma's grandch.ildren include; Mildred, Gertrude, Edward, William (or John Pila), Myra (or Koai), Henry (or Magoon), Florence (or ,Aona), Edmund, Lawrence (or Haole), Hazel (or Lei), Rodney Sr., Henry, Herman, Carl, Hannah, John, Robert (or Kalani), Rose, Emma, Angeline and Ruby. The reunion will be a camping weekend held at the Pakani property in King's Landing on the Big īsland, Aug. 29-30, 2009. For 'ohana seeking information about our reunion, contact Christine Hanohano at (808) 4304555 or hosefamilyreunion@yahoo.com; or Charmame Bugado at (808) 430-1 181 or charmaincita.kuauhau@yahoo.com. MCCORRISTON - The family of Edward (Mary Campbell) McCorriston will hold a reunion on O'ahu on Aug. 21-23, 2009. For information, contact Catherine Roberts via e-mail at waikane78@hawaii.rr.com or by mail at P.O. Box 29, Kaneohe, Hī 96744; or Lani 01sen-Chong at lolsen@hawaii.rr.com or by mail at P.O. Box 783, Kamuela, Hī 96743. YAP - The family of Pak Fook Sing Bak Seng aka ,Ah Sui Yap and Mary Malia Kuhia-Kekua is uniting our 'ohana for the first time. The ,Ah Sui Yap Reunion will be Aug. 14, 15 and 16, 2009, at the Ha'ikū Community Center on Maui. We are calling all descendants and siblings of their (14) children - Ernest "Eneek," Henry "Caughy," Joseph "Stinky," Mabel -Ah Kim, Annie Ah Gun, John "Moon," Josephine Leilani, George ,Ah Lai, Justin -Ah Mun, William "Goofy," īsabelle, Mary, Gertrude "Bully," and Louie - to update your contact information. Contact Donnalee HueSing-Curimao on Maui at (808) 264-3178 or email meleanal839@ hotmail.com. We have an 'ohana web site available with all updated information pertaining to the reunion. To get invited to the site, email the address above.
Kepakemapa • September2009 KAMAUOHA - The descendants of Henry Nahelehele Kamauoha and Keakaohawaii Nika and their children Kua, Elizabeth Kahili, David Kupa, Ho'okano, Kaeleele, Charles, John Kauahikaula, Kaui-o-laie and Heneli are having a family reunion Sept. 11-13 at Kokololio Beach Park (Kakela Beach Park) in Hau'ula, O'ahu. For information, eall Alisha Renaud at (808) 3869496, Kehau Tu'ifna at (808) 741-1585 or Leialoha Renaud at (808) 384-5912. KA'ANO'l/NUNES -The family of David Ka'ano'i Jr. and Emily Nunes are having a family reunion in Honolulu this Sept. 1 9 and 20. We are looking for family members of; Joao Correia Nunes, also known as; Joao Nunes Correia and Maria Vieira and their descendants; Frank Correia Nunes, Maria Correia Nunes and Rosa Correia Nunes, wife of Frank Texeira. Other family members are; Manuel Gomes Jr. and Mary Conceicao da Silva. Their children are; īsabella Conceicao Gom.es (married Joao Correia Nunes Jr.), Lucy Gomes and Joseph Gomes. Lucy was married to Frank Gouveia (ehildren are Joseph and Louise Gouveia.) Manuel Gom.es' father is Manuel Gomes Sr., mother was E1 Pauldina da Camara, brother John Gomes and sisters Carolina and Lueia Gomes. These contacts will be joined with the family of Emilia Perreira Martins. A Ka'ano'i-Ha'o reunion to follow in the fūture. Contact Patrick Ka'ano'i at Lvhalau@aol.com for information. MINER/KAIHE/CLARK- Descendants of George Paeopua Miner, Anne (Kaihe) Clark, Kamalanai Kaihe and Lillian Lake of Kula, Maui, Charles ,Andrew Clark, Helen īwalani (Miner/Clark) Medeiros, Charlotte (Ayudan) Medeiros, Bully Miner Medeiros and LaVerne Winona (Medeiros) Nunies; Join us on the island of Kaua'i Sept. 6-7, 2009! We like to meet our 'ohana! Contact Tish at tisha_robeson@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 27, Kalāheo, Hī 96741 for details. POAH A - A family reunion for ,Andrew Kapalaau Poaha and Elizabeth Keaka Kapiioho is set for Sept. 3-7, 2009, at One Ali'i Park on Moloka'i. All descendants of the siblings Ellen Kauila Poaha (Cathcart), Bernice Peahi Poaha (Windrath), Stanislaus Enoka Poaha, Elias Poaha, James Kapiioho Poaha, Leo Kapalaau Poaha and Emily Kukunaokala Poaha (Harvey/Hart) are asked to update their contact information, births, deaths or marriages to Pat Tancayo at (808) 5676547 or Dorie Carlson at (808) 553-5665 or email kauwilacarlson@yahoo.com. WAIKIKI - We are in the planning stages of our Waikiki 'Ohana Reunion to be held Sept. 18, 19 and 20, 2009, at Hale Nanea on the island of Maui. Our Chairperson is Darrel Waikiki of Maui and his wife, Toni. Our 'ohana research includes; Kaimi Waikiki, Kaakau, Lihue, Nakapuahi, Piko, Kekeleaiku, Kalamahana Waikiki, Waikiki (kāne) and Milikapu Kaaoao (wahine) of Kona in the 1800s. We have focused on the generation of Charles, Isaac, Joseph, Hattie and īda Waikiki who have roots in Hāna, Maui; Makaweli, Kaua'i; Honoka'a, Big īsland; Moloka'i andO'ahu. Othernames include Kahoohanohano, Kanakaole, Galarza, Smith, Sumera, Lagua, Konohia, Kaahanui, Kahaloa, Espinda, ,Akau and
,Ahuna. We are eager to connect to our 'ohana and talk story. We are honored to have your presence at our reunion. We will start a new beginning in getting our genealogy records updated. For information, contact Piilani by e-mail at Peelan@ hawaii.rr.com or eall (808) 486-7034. Kēkēmapa • December2009 JEREMIAH -Thefamilies of thechildren of James Kuhaulua (Koholua/Kaholua) Jeremiah and Julia Pelewahine Lono Naone Jeremiah both of Kalāwahine, O'ahu, are planning another family reunion on Dec. 5, 2009, at Mā'ili Beach Park. The children of James and Julia are īlima Koholua Naone (m. īda FearyMilton), Wallaee (m. Josephine Frank), John "Kenala" (m. Dorothy Lindo), William "Jerry" (m. Louise Kahanu), Albert "Mana" (m. Madeline Cayetano, m. Lorraine Buelher), Lono Koholua (m. July Kaonohilani), Dalton "Buster" (m. Hariet Dudoit, m. Ethel Halloek, m. Carmen Widdowson, m. Elaine Mahoe), Marigold "Esther" (m. Arthur Wilcox, m. Robert Clark, m. Henry Rodrigues), īsaiah (m. Alma Bartels, m. Marian Mark, m. Marguerite Tilton). Meetings are being held onee a month. ,Any questions may be directed to Mae JeremiahWong (daughter of Howard "Bubu" Jeremiah) at (808) 673-5754 or kulanz@ yahoo.com. I Kēia Makahiki A^e • 2010 ELDERTS/MAHOE - The Johannes Emil Elderts and Keai Mahoe 'ohana is planning a family reunion in October 2010. We need to update mailing and e-mail addresses, phone numbers and family information, so please contact Lauren "Paulette Elderts" Russell at eldertsohana@hotmail.com or eall her at (808) 239-2913 or (808) 285-4124. KAHOLOKULA - The 'ohana of Kuhalimaiohuli and Kealiiamoiliili Kaholokula of Maui are planning a family reunion July 16 and 17, 2010, at Hale Nanea Hall in Kahului, Maui. They had II children; 1) Kuhaupio 2) Kuhaupio & Kaniala, Apitaila (w) 3) Keauli & Wahauku (h) 4) Ulunui & Lee, -Akaloka (h) 5) Puakailima & ,Akuna, GooTong (h) 6) Kaleikapu & Napeha, Emily (w) 7) Kalaina & Maekee, Emma (w) 8) Maia 9) Keoni 10) Alapai & Sniffen, Deborah (w) 1 1) Kaiminaauao & Hema, Maryann (w). We are looking for all who are related to attend. Contact Haulani Kamaka, (808) 268-9249; Gordon Apo, (808) 269-0440; or Clifford Kaholokula Jr., (808) 250-1733, for information. Also visit the reunion web site at kaholokula. comicscornermaui.com for updates and information. We ean also be reached by e-mail at kaholokulareunion2010@ yahoo.com. PAKAKI My "ather was Ernest Enoka Pakaki married to Violet Kekahuna Kepaa, my mother. ī am searching for any 'ohana related to my father's side. His mother's name was Louisa Kamanu from Wailuku, Maui, and father's name was Ernest Pekelo Pakaki. Looking over some 'ohana names, ī have eome across Hooolapaikona (k) married Kaahanui (w) with one child Kauahikaua (k) married Pahaniu (w) with one child Nahau (w) who married Aiona (k), Kalanileleku (k) married Kalanipoo (w), Kaiona (w) married Pakaki, Meleana (w) married Pilikekai (k). īf anyone is 'ohana, eall Angeline
Aina, (808) 760-2187 (Maui) or aaina@ hawaii.rr.com. Our family is planning our first reunion for July or August 2010 and would be so happy to hear from any family member. You may also eall my brother on O'ahu, Moses Pakaki at (808) 696-4492. MaMakahikiAku »2011 HOLOKAI - The Holokai 'ohana is planning a reunion in 2011. The parents were Harry Holokai and Hattie Moikeha. All of their children have expired, but their children's children live on. We have 'ohana living in Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Kentucky and Oregon. (Excuse me if we missed your state.) The intention is to get the word out early so family members ean decide, plan and save if they would like to eome and meet with the many, many cousins here in Hawai'i. Tentative plans are to gather in Honolulu in March. The best date will be selected based upon people's availability. The committee will consider all information submitted, so please contact us at your earliest eonvenience. Contact mayholokai@gmail. eom, Holokai Family Reunion 2011 on Facebook or (808) 375-0925. 'lmi 'Ohana • FamilySearch HALUALANI - We are searching for anyone who belongs to Solomon or Clement Liwai, Halualani Sons of Ko'ele'ele and Laura Halualani. We are, for the first time, trying to unite our 'ohana. Nahoa'olelo o Kamehameha married Ohulelani. Their offspring are; 1) Leihauole, 2) Po'ohiwi, 3) Kaonohi, 4) Kawainui, 5) Kapika, 6) Kauhi, 7) Emera, 8) Kamala, and 9) Luka. Po'ohiwa, our great-grandmother, married Halualani. Their children are; 1) Ha'alilo; 2) Kapika; 3) Ko'ele'ele, our great-grandfather; 4) Ohule; 5) Kawainui; and 6) Ainini. You may eontact Carol Halualani Bright at (808) 2356788 or by mail at 46-317 Halualani Plaee, Kāne'ohe, Hī 96744; or Sandi Halualani at (808) 744-5566. KAHIHIKOLO - ī am seeking third-, fourth- and fifth-generation information about the descendants of ,Aonie Kealoha Kahihikolo (Parents; Joseph Kahihikolo and Kealoha Lapaku Kaui) ī am mainly interested in any links to a Chinese descendant. Thank you in advance for any information you are able to provide. ī ean be reached at (808) 398-4534 (Joanna) or email chavesj003@hawaii.rr.com. KAUKAOPUAaka KAOPUA Weare searching for the descendants and eonnections to Tutu Naluahine Kaukaopua aka Kaopua and his 'ohana. The 'āina hānau would be in the Kahalu'u and Keauhou areas of Kona 'ākau. The gathering of the descendants for genealogy workshop was held at Kahalu'u. The process of collecting data of the mo'okū'auhau of these 'ohana are ongoing. Kāhea mai 'oe. Aunty Flo on O'ahu, (808) 354-5035; or Aunty Kalani on Hawai'i, (808) 329-7274. KEKAHUNA - My great-grandfather is Francis Koakanu Kekahuna, born on O'ahu to Henry Enoka Palenapa Kekahuna and īda Peters Pedro Ferreira. There were four other children that eame from this unity; Henry Kekahuna, īda Kekahuna (married Lee), Ella Kekahuna (married Akana), and Beatrice Kekahuna (married Matsumoto). ī greatly appreciate any insight on my 'ohana that I've never known. ī ean easily be reached at anwat@aol.com or (808) 891-1596.
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