Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 9, 1 September 2010 — Meet the 2011 Class of Mellon-Hawaiʻi Fellows [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Meet the 2011 Class of Mellon-Hawaiʻi Fellows

The Mellon Foundation, Kaniehameha Schools, Kahiau Foundation and Kohala Center are proud spon- ■ _

I sors of the third cohort of Mellon-Flawai'i Fellows. The 2011 Class includes Dr. Leilani Basham, Dr. Noelani Good-year-Kā'opua, Keao NeSmith, Hiapokeikikāne Perreira, Noe Noe Wong-Wilson. A brief summary of eaeh ensues. If you want more information, Google search "Kohala Center-Mellon Scholars."

Leilani Basham, Ph.D. Political Science (2007), University of Hawai'i-Mānoa: "Her research will center on understanding Hawaiian history, poliheal and cultural knowledge, and practice from a Hawaiian perspective, using predominantly Hawaiian language resources. Specific areas of research include mele lāhui, Hawaiian identity and value systems... Her book project is titled Nā Mele Lāhui: E Mau keEao ka 'Āina i ka Pono, and will analyze hundreds of mele lāhui . . . published between 1893 and 1898." Dr. Noenoe K. Silva, UH-Mānoa, is Leilani's mentor. Noelani Goodyear-Ka'ōpua, Ph.D., (2005), University of California, Santa Cruz: "Her dissertation, Kū i ka Mana: Buiīding Community andNation through Hawaiian schooling, examined emergent efforts of educators at Kamehameha Schools and Hālau Kū Mana Charter School to disarticulate schooling from its eolonial history and rearticulate schools within growing movements for Kanaka Maoli self-detennination and well-being. During her fellowship year, she will be revising that work as a book manuscript titled Teaching Nation, Struggles for Hawaiian Schools and Sovereignty... provides a critical history of Hawaiian Education as it emerges out of the work of Kanaka Maoli educational innovators of the nineteenth, twentieth and twentyfirst centuries." Charles R. Lawrence III, J.D., UH Richardson School of Law, is Noelani's mentor. Keao NeSmith, doctoral candidate in Applied Linguistics at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand: "The most driving thought of mine as I pursue my Ph.D. is how exactly I ean support my home eommu-

nity of Kekaha, Kaua'i, and help ensure that the language of native speakers of Hawaiian continues in as true a form to the original

as possible as it is taught to Hawaiian language learners (KN)...His doctoral dissertation is titled The teaching and learning of Hawaiian Ianguage and culture in puhlie high schools and tertiary level schools in Hawai'i: Issues relating to linguistic and cultural eontinuity and discontinuity." Dr. Winifred Crombie, Uni-

versity of Waikato is Keao's mentor. Hiapokeikikāne Kiehie Perreira, doctoral candidate, Hawaiian and Indigenous Language and Cultural Revitalization, University of Hawai'iHilo: "The knowledge unselfishly given from kupuna of the Ni'ihau community, coupled with my experience of the desire of Hawaiian immersion children to learn, grew in me an unrelenting zeal to constantly develop into the best I ean be for the benefit of generations to eome (HKP)... His dissertation is titled He Ha'i'ōlelo Ku'una: Nā Hi'ohi'ona Me Ke Ki'ina Hō'ala Hou i ke Kākā'ōlelo Ma Ke Aukahi 'Ana O kēia Wā." Dr. Charles Langlas, UH-Hilo is Hiapo's mentor. Noe Noe Wong-Wilson, doctoral candidate, University of Waikato, IlamiUon, New Zealand: "The largest population of Native Hawaiians in the entire University of Hawai'i system is at HCC (Hawai'i Community College), where they make up 40.2 percent of the student population. It serves not only as my research site, but allows me to make the largest impact and contribution for my own people and their future. I have been able to bring the focus of my life work, scholarly pursuit and passion together in this one effort to help Native Hawaiian students succeed in college and in whatever pursuits they choose for themselves in life (NWW). . . Her thesis topic is Achieving the Dream at Hawai'i Community College: An Initiative for Native Hawaiian Student Success." Dr. Hamikon McCubbin, UHMānoa, is Noe Noe's mentor. Acknowledgement: All quotes from Kohala CenterNewsletter-2011. ■

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Rūbert K. Lindsey, Jr. Trustee, Hawai'i