Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 9, 1 September 2010 — Doctors honored for con tributions to Native Hawaiian health [ARTICLE]

Doctors honored for con tributions to Native Hawaiian health

Drs. Kekuni Blaisdell and Benjamin Young were 2010 honorees celebrated Aug. 7 at the Kekuni Blaisdell Endowment Dinner at the Ko'olau Golf Course in Kāne'ohe. The dinner served as a fundraiser to benefit the Kekuni Blaisdell Endowment Fund, established in the Native Hawaiian Center for Excellence by a generous donation from Dr. Osamu Fukuyama through the University of Hawai'i Foundation. The fund improves access to heahh care for Native Hawaiians and increases educational opportunities for Native Hawaiians pursuing medical careers. BlaisdelFs leadership has led to legislation and considerable funding from the U.S. Congress forprograms that impact Native Hawaiian heahh. He is the co-founder of E Ola Mau, a Native Hawaiian healthcare professionals organization, and charter member of 'Ahahui o na Kauka, the Association of Native Hawaiian Physicians. Dr. Ben Young is the founder of UH John A. Bums School of Medieine 'hni Ho'ola Post-Baccalaureate Program, was Dean of Students at JABSOM, and was Director of the

Native Hawaiian Center of Excellenee. He served as the onboard physician on the historic 1976 first voyage of the Hōkūle'a.