Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 January 2011 — New Year, new horizons [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

New Year, new horizons

Aloha All and Weleome 2011, We weleome Peter Apo to our Board as

the O'ahu Trustee and wish him well. To departing Judge Walter Heen, mahalo for your contributions and dedication to making Hawai'i a better plaee for all. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you these past four years. And now we press forward with a new face leadinu the Board

and with a solid support staff under CEO Clyde Nāmu'o. Rest assured that the Board will continue to work for the betterment of all of you and will seek to protect all that is Hawaiian from the encroachment and erosion of some who would see us disappear. For those of us who ean elaim a direct line to our Hawaiian ancestors, be reminded that the honor and privilege we have to carry on their legacy and build upon their foundation should never be ignored. Whether you are busy doing other things or deep into the Hawaiian movement, your appreciation of your heritage and your decision to carry on in their name in a responsible and honorable manner is what ean bring us all together. As we proceed with the coming year we will have many challenges facing us in the Legislature, in the courts, in the community and amongst ourselves. We will continue to pursue our goal of achieving federal recognition to preserve our identity and uphold our dignity as the host culture. We will work with the new administration and legislative leaders to secure for our people that whieh by law they are owed from pastdue ceded lands revenues. We will pursue our Strategic Plan and establish a strong base for the

future Hawaiian governing entity with the professionalism that has been put in plaee and personnel who are willing to do the work. We will onen

the way for Hawaiians to better care for themselves and live together with all others. OHA has a solid record of helping Hawaiians in education and that will continue. We have worked and contributed long with Hawaiian health issues and will improve our focus for the benefit of all. We have contributed to Hawaiian business but need to do

more. We have LLCs but need to make better use of them. We have contributed to Hawaiian Homes, Habitat for Humanity, and the state for affordable housing but haven't ourselves yet created a Board housing policy. That will be done this year. We will work with those willing to work for the benefit of our people and their future. We have worked together with the Govemor and will continue to do so. We have worked well with department heads and will also continue to do so. Our Board has become mueh more professional in its fiduciary responsibilities and its duties to the public especially while in public. Thus, we will continue the path set by Haunani Apoliona, our Chair for the last 10 years, and strive for the next level while protecting the trust corpus and doing all we ean not only for your benefit but for all who live here. And so as we look forward to another year on Earth, let us all be grateful to Akua first for life itself and second for the freedom we have to choose. Despite all the challenges we face, life and ehoiee alone provide us with more than most in our world, and add to that all the other blessings we have, we ean surely hang in and prevail for ourselves, our families, our people and our nation. God bless and Happy New Year. ■

Boyd P. Mūssman Vice Chair, TrustEE, Maui