Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 2, 1 February 2011 — COMING FULL with CIRCLE Nā Pua No ʻeau [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
COMING FULL with CIRCLE Nā Pua No ʻeau
By Kinohi Gomes
Na Pua No'eau Center for Gifted and Talented Native Hawaiian Children continues to support and graduate students in higher education. Graduating from college will soon be a reality for Artilus "Artie" Turner, a former NPN student and a current senior at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa majoring in Family Resources. Turner grew up in Washington and moved to Hilo while she was in middle school. Throughout that time she attended a number of Nā Pua No'eau programs during her winter and summer breaks, whieh included Ho'omālamalama, a multi-day educational enrichment program, and Summer Institute, a two-week residential program, in lomilomi (Hawaiian massage) and lā'au lapa'au (Hawaiian medicine) at UH-Hilo, and 'ikena kālailai (Hawaiian carving) at UHMānoa. As Nā Pua No'eau completes more than 20 years of providing educational opportunities to Hawaiian children of all ages, the Center is beginning to see the trend of their former students attending college and giving back. Turner currently works as an intern at
Nā Pua No'eau's O'ahu office at UH-Mānoa. Her intemship experienee brings her full circle, learning hands-on about the mission and philosophy of the Center along with planning and implementing educational opportunities like the ones she formerly attended. Along with her internship, Tumer, a full-time student, works as a teacher's assistant in American Studies and as a part-time student
employee at the Admissions Office. She is also a recipient of the Hideo Noguchi Scholarship, a scholarship program offered to former Nā Pua No'eau students. After graduating from college, Tumer plans to continue at UH-Mānoa to pursue her master's degree in Education Administration. As a future college and career counselor, Turner says: "My passion has always been in helping
make educational connections for students, just as Nā Pua No'eau has done so for me. I have a eommitment to my people and to my community, and education in my eyes is definitely a vehicle for empowerment and positive change." ■ Kinohi Gomes is Assistant Director ofNā Pua No 'eau.
Applications for the Hideo Noguchi Scholarship forthe Advancement of Native Hawaiians will be available Feb. 14. Call (808) 956-9410 for information.
Artie Turner, middle row on left, as a student with her 'ikena kālailai class. Now a college senior, at top left, she has returned to Nā Pua No'eau as an intern. - Photos: Courtesy ofHā Pua Ho'eau