Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 2, 1 February 2011 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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February Featured Community Development Projects

F/?££EARNED INCOMETAX CREDIT FILINGS Offers free tax preparation anel fīling for families or college students that earn /ess than $48,362 annually, and had fu 1 1or part-time employment in 201 0. This is a Tax Credit that is returned to you, as opposed to a Tax Deduction. Credits: *Families with 1 child ean receive up to $3,050 *Families with 2 children ean receive up to $5,036 *Families with 3 children ean receive up to $5,666 $45 Million of your hard-earned dollars are left unclaimed eaeh year in hlawaii. CNFIA has Volunteer ineome Tax Assistance sites on Oahu, hlawaii, and Kauai. Contact Terri Lemmerto schedule your appointment and elaim valuable tax credits today!

HAWAII COMMUNITY FACILITY LOAN PROGRAM Provides loans up to $5 million to nonprofīt organizations to hnanee community facility projects. The program offers multiphase fīnancing to fīt your needs (i.e. feasibility studies, acquisition, construction, etc.). Non-Profit Owned Community Facilities: *Cultural and community centers *Schools and educational facilities * Healīh clinics, etc. Administered bythe Rural Community Assistance Corporation, in partnership with CNFIA, as certifīed Community Development Financial lnstitutions. lfyou havea projectthat requires flexible fīnancing, contact JonArbles today\

(^>Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement • 1050 Queen Street, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hl 96814 Tel: 808.596.8155 / 800.709.2642 • Fax: 808.596.8156 / 800. 710.2642 • E-mail: info@hawaiiancouncil.org • Website: www.hawaiiancouncil.org