Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 5, 1 May 2011 — Trustee applicants sought for Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]
Trustee applicants sought for Kamehameha Schools
Deadhne is lune 10 to subniit resunies for Kaniehanieha Trustee. The new trustee will replace Trustee Diane Plotts, whose tenn ends in lune. The Trustee Steering Coniniittee seeks active leaders within the coniniunity with a deep sense of coniniitnient and the ability to ensure the perpetuation of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's vision and legacy. Candidates must possess demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following areas: business adniinistration; finance and investment; strategic planning and policy setting; or areas of interest to Kaniehanieha Schools, including education, law or governance. Eaeh trustee currently receives an annual compensation of $122,000. The chairperson receives $158,000. To apply, subniit a resunie, cover letter and a statement on your view of the role of a trustee; your vision, goals and objectives for the trust estate and how you would attain those goals. Noniinations should be subniitted to Trustee Screening Coniniittee, c/o Inkinen & Associates, 1003 Bishop
St, Suite 477, Honolulu, HI 96813. Applications ean also be faxed to (808) 521-2380 or emailed to jobs@ inkinen.com. Lor more infomiation, please refer to the ad on page 33.