Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 4, 1 April 2012 — International conference highlights hula [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

International conference highlights hula

By Garett Kamemoto Mike Kop ean see the difference when he passes on his knowledge to students. Kop teaches people how to make hula implements. "It just lifts their pride so high because they're dancing with something that they hand made and they're using something they made from scratch," Kop said. He is just one of more than 40 kumu who will be leading workshops as part of the sixth annual International Waikīkī Hula Conference that will take plaee May 11 to 13 at the Hawai'i Convention Center. "We look forward to welcoming visitors and locals alike as they eome together to share and learn from some of the world's most renowned Hawaiian cultural practitioners," said Mamie

Weeks, conference producer. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to choose from 80 workshops and seminars that cover all aspects of hula, from making implements to learning hula or oli from top kumu. In addition, participants ean enroll in a hō'ike class that will give them an opportunity to learn a mele and perform it later on stage in Waikīkī. The conference is open to all skill levels, from those who may have never danced before to advanced students. It gives participants an opportunity to learn from kumu who teach different lineages of dance and to tap into a diverse resource of hula knowledge. It also allows hobbyists to learn different aspects of the hula they have not had the opportunity to experience. It is important to share the art of making traditional hula implements,

Kop said, "If I don't teach it, then the culture gets lost and the art gets lost." Many of the participants at the conferenee are from abroad, especially Japan. "They're such great students," Kop said. "Isn't it great that someone who is not born here is so super interested in our culture? It makes me feel good." Kop will be teaching classes on making the 'ulī'ulī (feather rattle), ipu heke (double gourd drum) and ipu hula (single gourd drum.) Registration is $250 for Hawai'i residents ($385 for non-residents) for the three-day conference. Group rates are available for groups of 10 or more. For infonnation or to register by May 1, visit waikikihulaconference.com. ■


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Mike Kop lends his skills as a master implemenl maker at an 'ulī'ulī workshop. - Courtesy: lnternational Waikīkī Hula Conference